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Joined 10M ago
Cake day: Aug 15, 2023


They should look at GNU Taler for having it in the future.

Taler is not ment to be completely censorship resistant. It takes the side of dealing with goverment, law and other things and is expected to be used in areas with working democracy.

A private alternative to MasterCard, PayPal, Stripe, etc. not a new currency or completely different banking system. And we need it.

Okey, so relays can pass message to other relay? Didn’t know that, so thanks.

But then, why not use network like Yggdrasil? Which would be basically like Nostr, but can relay any TCP/IP packet for any app, instead of just Nostr notes.

Why do we even need relays in the first place? Like, if only someone could create a network that could enable computers to send messages to each other on the layer below apps so apps would just be to display and format those messages, not pass them (ツ).

You don’t have to agree to someone in full or in none. There is no 0 or 1 here.

Best of both worlds

Only in term of security/privacy. Not control and freedom. And without freedom to modify, share and reuse software we are in a straight path to the lack of privacy again.

The choose is:

Apple iOS: Propably being spied by manufacturer, can be spied by NSA, can’t do anything to improve this.

Google Android: Know you’re spied by Google, know you’re spied by manufacturer, know you’re spied by third-party, can be spied by NSA. But most of times you can cut them all (except NSA) off.

They tried to switch to Matrix, but it turned out to be too inefficient and buggy for such big community.

You should update it with IPv6 support, it makes things much easier.

Basically every VPS gets at least 18,446,744,073,709,551,616 addresses that by using VPN you can pass to homeservers instead of one. So no need to port forward, proxy etc., homeserver can get full real address.

And guess what? You don’t need blockchain for that.

Torrents exists, IPFS dropped dependency on block chain. What blockchain do is that if your literal neighbor has the file you want, you must first connect to the global super inefficient network to sync your chain. And if you have censored Internet? Well…

Layer torrent on top of Yggdrasil on top of I2P and you’ll get faster, more decentralized and more resilient network than any blockchain ever done. Such network would continue to work from friend to friend even if your whole town get cut from global net.

reactions and avatars have not yet been moved to the encrypted channel

Fortunetly there is ongoing work to do that. Still admin sees who you are talking to, but there is some effort.

There is no one best, as we wish there would be. Depends what you want.

XMPP and Matrix are definetly the most based ones, because you are not tying yourself to one particular app and server, they’re the common languages. And this is what I would want to use for mass communication and as a base, default.

Signal is nice if those above are not enough developed yet for you. Easy to switch friends into and discover contacts with it’s phonebook based nature. But there is no open API for thrid-party apps, only reverse engineering from open source code.
If you don’t need calls Matrix has a bridge so you can use both at the same time.

There are also the most anonymous ones, like Briar, SimpleX or Session, there is a lot of them. For me their usage is when two or more people want really private chat and both agree on the app. I really can’t and don’t want to see them as the default.

Calling source available an open source is like calling shareware an open culture.

Yeah yeah, it’s open for everyone… For not for list of small but still exceptions

The well known term for this is “source available”.

Wonder if this say a big “WIPING…” and shows a blank profile then.

Because it would be much more useful if this would erase real profile and then quickly switch to some fake profile looking real.

It’s just more complicated than 0, no privacy or 1 full privacy.

Let’s hold the breath for the first bank or official exchange to support GNU Taler.

Yes. Unless you are a developer about to develop an app or are an organization, don’t touch Twilio.

I use Twilio for some testing and alerting and this is advenced control panel there.

High resource usage

That’s Synapse being bad and already having a tech debt. Matrix is surely more expensive to run than other protocols, but not much considering federated nature.

slow syncs

Being worked on with syncv3. New sync is crazy fast.

About encryption, it is also being worked on heavly.

The one bad thing I can say about Matrix is just how much is being “work in progress”. But I would choose a protocol that is going to do my checklist than others that would never do.

I can confirm I also get this. What a shitty site.

If they could provide EU number I would definetly become a costumer!

Use Monero for what? Buying book in the morning having a blind eye on thousands of liters of water I just waste?

I really hope GNU Taller actually get adopted by at least one bank as it got funding for coming years.

Use Monero, burn the planet, don’t buy anything useful with it as it can be made illegal after one legislation and don’t forget to actively swap it between 10 other different cryptocurrencies. Also thanks to Microsoft for hosting Monero official source code repository.