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Joined 9M ago
Cake day: Sep 03, 2023


It was never so much about the hate for GOS as it was for Daniel. Daniel is a absolute genius but has some mental and paranoid issues. Which hurt GOS reputation in the proces, Dont get me wrong I do not hate the guy or GOS at all but I do agree Daniel has some serious issues.

Anyone has recommendations on where to find information on who to vote for for the European parliament elections?

No idea. but I remember the direct download link for the iso to became available due to it.

Not sure if it is still possible. But I believe you can on Tor if you spoof your user agent to be a black berry or some other device. Then you can grab the direct download link to the iso and download it over Tor. Been some time since I have done this though. Keep in mind this is from memory so it might be slightly different.

If you do go digging you would get caught. Safest way is removal in those situations. I rather have some data removed which preferably I have backups up. Then have to risk jail time in some country.

A duress password to remove selected profiles would be amazing. So it still unlocks but quietly removes the profiles you are worried about.

Yeah i did this until they make the entire homepage blank if you keep history off. Very annoying.

not happening this soon. as Apple is complying by malicious compliance. alternative app stores are bound to some idiotic rules.