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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 21, 2023


I like lineage is and have used for 5+ years. I’m now using it without google services. I mainly use it because I can’t really afford a pixel phone and the many supported devices lineage is has is phenomenal. That being said I would love to tey graphene os.

I host all my stuff locally including my nginx proxy manager and I do also have opnsense firewall rules with geoip blocking as well.

I mean no but the added security kind of trumps everything else. It helps to not expose my public IP and the added bonus of firewall rules too.

So what provider does everyone recommend instead of cloudflare for proxy? I use cloudflare to protect all my websites but I’ve been trying to find some other place to proxy them from.

This is why I have my cameras locally and can’t reach the internet. 2fa screw up, accidentally sending other peoples cameras to users then this!? Not sure how this company is still alive. They have no idea what they are doing security wise.

Good thing I have frigate nvr setup and don’t need their app at all. This is super sad since these are my go to cameras. I will still buy them since I put them on a vlan and block all internet access. This is sad though 😕