From the Outlook Android app

I’d say they’re not lying. They do value your privacy. It’s making them, and 797 of their closest friends, a lot of money.

They spelled “violate” wrong.


“We respect your privacy to the extent the law requires us to. Maybe.”

That’s why F-Droid exists.

“We value your privacy”. Proceeds to not value any kind of privacy at all

They do infact value your privacy. Only to them it is of low value

“We valuated your privacy”, more like

If you have to ask, you do not respect my privacy

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Genuine question, can screen readers not parse image text in 2024? I personally use some image text to text copy programs on Linux to help speed up my development workflow, so it seems good screen readers have already had this for years?

Ocr can be pretty hit and miss depending on the font, image quality, etc


Use Fairmail/ K-9 mail instead.

Even better skiff, protonmail, tuta

Imagine applying to private university and reading their privacy policy, where they clearly say, how they get your private information from third parties and share all info with third parties. And when you ask administrator, how can i prevent them from doing that, they say, that they do not share/get info from/to thirdparties. Bravo


Sounds like an easy lawsuit

There will be some lawsuit in the future somewhere in Europe. And the judge will rightfully rule that you can’t get an “informed consent” from your users for 800 tracking companies just by letting them click a button with dark patterns.

Europe for sure. USA? Better chance of the president smoking rock at the state of the union. Land of the fee and all that.


So that was a fucking lie

The correct syntax for embedding images is:


[title] is technically [alt text] for readers and vision impaired, so the title should be more of a description of the image.

What’s worse is when it’s accept all or manage preferences, and you manually have to turn off cookies for all 718 partners individually, every time you open the app.

Consent-o-matic automates that for you

Not for apps.


So does uninstalling and not using it

Accept all, then block it with Adguard with HTTPS Filter enabled for that app

That… doesn’t work how you apparently think it does.

Honestly i would not ever touch outlook outside tor session

Close the app and find another one.

Why? What is the benefit?

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Privacy has become a very important issue in modern society, with companies and governments constantly abusing their power, more and more people are waking up to the importance of digital privacy.

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