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Joined 6M ago
Cake day: Jan 01, 2024


With win10 you should be able to click the small text to get a local account but yeah I think with newer win11 installers you have to be off the internet for a local account. And then when you do log in with your MS account to save your license (important when using a Win7 OEM key to license win10) it would convert your profile to online, and then you had to “do steps” to put it back to local. Annoying af

[title] is technically [alt text] for readers and vision impaired, so the title should be more of a description of the image.

Yeah, I’ll try again and check the logs when I’m able. It’s a reoccurring issue, not just this video.

My pi-hole blocks something about this piped website (videos won’t play)… Guess it’s not so innocent…

Your link is bad (accidentally added t at the end), here is a working one.

And, holy fucking shit, I had no idea it was this bad. Thank goodness my car was built in 1987.

Windows group tabs. Just open a new window for each task of tabs.

I have the opposite experience. I easily can have as many tabs at times and I’ve seen chrome use over 10gb of ram and fully lock at times. I switched to Firefox for that reason and others and it performs much better with that many tabs open. Most ram I’ve seen it using is about 6gb. Minimal and equivalent plugins in both. I’ve never had firefox crash. This across multiple computers. I now have uninstalled chrome everywhere…

Yes, quite the concept this whole issue goes away for spending a couple bucks on something that likely gets used daily.

Same but also paid for no ads. This isn’t a boost issue per se, it’s just how ads are made to look and boost free has ads.