Who are you lying to? Your Adblock definitely is because you don’t want ads, not for privacy.

Good Independent journalism requires money. You can’t have everything for free you know. If you want to keep your privacy then you should pay for the news sources that you read.

Edit: I’m not american I do not know if USA today is good journalism or not. I am speaking more generally

If you’re trying to get paid based one someone’s views or clicks, it’s not free.

I wouldn’t visit these sites if you paid me. Much less forced me to watch ads.

That’s perfect then, you both agree you shouldn’t visit their site.


Freedom of speech includes the freedom not to be forced to consume something (including ads). Freedom of speech includes not sending all of my metadata to you and your business partners.

freedom of their speech, not ours

Reminds me of Microsoft’s “1,000,000 PCs can’t be wrong” or whatever it was when they started pushing windows 10 to 7 users

“We believe in free speech, so you should let us sell your data.”


See, if it’s hard to get my data, suddenly it becomes more valuable. These organizations try harder and harder to get to it, and really won’t stop. And really, once it’s out, it’s out.

So I’m just gonna make my data worthless. Fuckin everyone can have it what the hell do I care. I was among the first on Facebook when we had no idea what was happening. Phone numbers, email addresses, home addresses, bare ass to the world. It’s all out there already, no going back in the tube.

I don’t see many ads, so who cares if they have a better idea of what to show me. I don’t spend frivolously, and don’t buy from websites I don’t trust, so what even if I do see some more relevant ads. They’re ads. I’m not paying attention anyway.

I’m not giving out answers to security questions and I’m using two factor authentication everywhere. My credit is frozen and I’ve got all the big stuff bought. I’m not really sure what I have to lose here

Data laws aren’t for you. They are for marginalized and vulnerable demographics, who are put at risk when they get doxxed.

I just don’t feel comfortable having these big companies profiting from my information. If it’s that valuable to them, then they should be paying me for it.


I think I read somewhere it was worth like .0005 cents per person. I think Netflix residuals pay better

Just use the right ublock filter to get past these silly anti adblocks

Could you point an interested party in the direction where those filters are?


I think they come with ublock itself and are called “annoyance filters” or something like that.

Dark patterns, gotta love em

This is not a dark pattern, it’s just coersion


The definition of “dark pattern” has been evolving. Today I think it means “UI design I don’t like”, or at least that’s how everyone’s been using it.

Recently saw someone accuse PayPal of using dark patterns when they clicked the submit payment button and the payment went through (they wanted one more interstitial).

Usually dark patterns are viewed as design patterns that implicitly coerce or deceive the user. As opposed to a banner that explicitly, verbally tells the user to do something.

What’s “safe and ethical advertising practices”? Is it like pacifist inclusive Nazism?


Our ethics dictate we charge the advertisers the highest possible amount so we get more freedom bucks from them


Lol that’s the dumbest thing I’ve seen in a while.

There is no free speech in news.

El Barto

Don’t use your freedom of choice, it hurts our bank accounts and bonuses 😭😭 - board member.

award winning content

sure jan.

I thought “whitelist” got cancelled for being racist? I distinctly remember being forced to rename everything to “IP Allowlist” and having to rename all my branches to “main” from “master”. Jenkins is 3rd party software, so it still has slaves… 😂

There is no such thing as being cancelled. Do you think the cancelled police show up at usa today to shut them down for using whitelist?

I don’t see anything about companies getting canceled, shut down, or otherwise


It did, and I was also doing that in some of our software in a previous job. Other terms we had to stop using were black sheep, white washing, and even gorilla.


What if I actually have a black sheep?



Doubtful it would be a pipeline exception in Jenkins

How much have you been drinking today, my friend?

I know you won’t see this comment, but I’ll still respond anyways.

It’s not the most inclusive language. I don’t think anyone forced you at gunpoint to rename that stuff though?

Free speech doesn’t mean a compelled audience.

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