Looking for an alternative to reddit

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Joined 10M ago
Cake day: Jul 28, 2023


How is remembering one master password worse than using Google single sign on with a password?

Who remembers their passwords? Use a password manager and it’s as simple as a Google login. It even fills in the credentials automatically on a hotkey.

Ok you have to create a new password the first time you want to register somewhere. But how lazy can people get? It’s also just a button click in a password manager.

Yeah it sounds extreamly unusual that people in Paris live so close to their home. But I think the French culture is about enjoying life as much as possible. They may choose a job nearby to avoid having to deal with shitty transports every day.

That’s not why most people drive cars. I’ve lived in cities with public transport all my life. But when I got my driving license, my life quality increased enormously. It’s like night and day. Not only can I drive where I want when I want, I can avoid other commuters that are very often loud or annoying. I don’t have to stand at bus stops or train stations and seeing them being delayed or canceled either.

I agree that some people drive poorly though. But the solution is to train them better, not to get rid of cars. You can hardly have an adult life with family without a car.

It’s just a dns server. You need to use Firefox with its tracking protection and plugins like ublock origin.

Or you can use a dns based ad blocker like pihole so all your devices on your home network is protected.

Then if you are like me, you set up a wireguard server at home, and configures your phone to use that as an always on VPN. And then your phone is also protected by your pihole even if you are away from home and using 3g/4g traffic.

I don’t know, maybe nice to try, but I don’t have any issues playing games on the ordinary kernel…

Nvidia is the reason why most people have issues.

I never see the homepage even. It shows up if you close the browser? I never do that on my phone.

Most important thing is you can change your search engine to whatever you want.

Ok and if you don’t trust anyone, you don’t have any protection at all.

Personally I don’t trust any big tech companies, naturally. But there are smaller vpn providers like Mullvad that are trustworthy. They are never American.

I trust my vpn provider, but I don’t trust my isp to not give out my ip. So using a VPN is obvious and I havent had any issues doing that for decades.

If your mindset is that you can’t trust anyone, then yes, doesn’t matter. But you can trust some of them. You need to know which ones have a history of caring about privacy and which ones are just advertised heavily.

The simplest and most reasonable explanation is because they profit from it. They are competing but they know a win-win situation.

All these fucking guys and big tech companies are a big club. They all know eachother and hang out together. Users are a resource to be mined. Who cares if it gives teenagers psychological problems. More drug sales sounds great for their buddies in big pharma.

Firefox has anti fingerprinting too. It’s in settings where you set your tracking protection. I think you have to choose custom and it’s there.

It’s how the web works, but you can absolutely block third party cookies. Firefox helps A LOT just with its default tracking protection.

Nobody has actually fined any instance yet, and they are not going after your little instance if they start doing it.

It would be Lemmy.world first as a target because of their size and the entire lemmy network would not stop talking about it for weeks.

They may even save every Google meet meeting for all we know. They may train their AI on how our faces look in meetings.

Nothing is too creepy for Google.

It has no place in a source code repository… It starts small and gets worse. Always.

Ok. These votes are not about picking presidents, so…

I see Apple in the name, so how private? Wide open.

Thank you. Sounds like the typical reasons to remove freedom from the users. :)

My absolute favorite movie, next to Idiocracy. :)

You think you are providing quality by making people jump through hoops for you? :)

I’m interested but I’m not watching 30 minutes of video…

It’s a shame Google doesn’t leave the EU completely. Don’t need their shit here.

Yeah you get 200 free searches I think, enough to see if the results are better for you. You can also raise or lower or remove certain sites in the results so you can get rid of the sites you never want to see.

I love their listacles format too when searching for best movies or car reviews etc.

Well I used the Kagi free trial and loved it, and now I’m a very happy subscriber. It’s better than everything else, and it’s not owned by shitty big tech as a bonus. :)

99.99999% of users don’t know this… People who work in IT knows it and that’s about it.

This is also why Google search is still popular too, people don’t know about any alternatives and are afraid to use something else even. They don’t even know why they may want to use something else. It’s ridiculous.

It’s a nice journey, and you can also start to look into proxmox for self hosting things. It really feels amazing to have your own little lab of stuff rather than using the public web for all services.

Sync is the absolute best app but I think privacy is probably not great.

But this is Lemmy so you don’t even need to use an email address if you don’t want. You can be semi anonymous and change username often if you want, and change between apps or instances also.

Data is never gone but it’s also not tied to anything real about you.

It’s good, and after that, check out Brave New World which is similar to what we have now. :)

You need to make a choice, Mr Anderson…

Horrible and the start of real dystopia.

I’m glad im almost 50 now because this place is gonna suck so much soon.

They want to and it’s coming in the future.

Ad blockers are financial terrorism in 2030.

Lol that’s the dumbest thing I’ve seen in a while.

There is no free speech in news.

I had severe performance issues and crashes until I changed my driver to vulkan-radeon on Amd, so I just wanted to post that. If you have issues on amd, check your driver.

My card is Radeon 6900 XT.

I know, sorry… Can’t help but be honest about these things.

We can’t beat Ai survellience I think. People will get used to it but we won’t be happy.

You will have a citizen score and if you speak up, it goes down and you get flagged as trouble. This leads to all sorts of issues with getting loans, jobs etc etc. So nobody will do anything. We will not even complain because it may be picked up by cameras and microphones installed everywhere we go “for our security”.

Yeah I understand your opinion, but I have no doubt that AI will not drown in noise at all, just like it’s not drowning in noise now when it’s scanning billions of web pages.

Monitoring billions of people in real time and watching for patterns will be very easy. For some reason, people think we are going to have today’s AI in the future. :) It’s like they can’t imagine what computers were like 20 years ago, or 50 years ago. AI will accelerate even more because it can work together with other AI around the clock to reach exponential evolution.

It will connect to everything, our phone signals, cars, credit cards, medical records, movement patterns… This is really simple for AI.

There are patterns to everything we do. We wake up similar times, we drive similar routes, we talk in similar ways, we dress in similar ways… All that stuff will be monitored automatically.

You may think it will become too many signals but Ai will also handle looking at the signals. It’s not going to be people looking at this data until someone is flagged, and the algorithms will become better and better.

AI will watch us all effortlessly soon.

Arch Linux on latest Framework laptop
I was thinking about getting a framework laptop myself actually. Seems to be working very well under arch.