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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Dec 13, 2022


Because people use Twitch on Linux with a VPN? This seems kinda obvious…

Boards of Canada is a very popular IDM artist, and they’re the third result down from the top.

I hate Siri, but you can do a “Hey Siri, whose phone is this?” and it will force PIN unlock. Great if you aren’t able to physically touch the phone.

The NSA violates the laws of the US. What makes you think they care about other countries’ laws?

Good thing that all of the giant monolithic internet companies that the NSA will be using for surveillance are used exclusively by Americans. The NSA isn’t interested in foreign intel anyway. /s

Then give it to them. Address books, physical and digital, are nothing new.

Some of us don’t want just anyone with something to say showing up in our inboxes.

They would need your contact info for that…

I have had a lot of success.

First I went through this list and filled out lots of opt-out forms:

Then I emailed everyone on this (dated) list:

I got a lot of follow up emails suggesting that my requests were honored, or having me do follow up steps to have my request honored. Only two pushback emails suggesting that they don’t have legally respect my opt out, to which I provided them a strict do-not-contact request that hopefully encourages them to do nothing with any data they might have on me.

It was a huge amount of effort (~50 hours), but my private info was nearly ungooglable a couple of weeks after I finished.

After seeing a huge difference, I then signed up for DeleteMe, and compared to a few friends of mine who never did their own work before signing up, my quarterly reports are extremely sparse. Hopefully it’s easier for them to play whack-a-mole with my data since I did lots of the initial work.

So far I can’t find anything about myself I wouldn’t want to see on any search engine. If I did, I would just find the opt out page and try to nip it in the bud.

I highly recommend reading “I’m Glad My Mom Died” by Jennette McCurdy, and watching the “Quiet on Set: The Dark Side of Kids TV” Docu-series. It really helped me understand the mentality of parents like this and what they personally want out of it. “Reliving their youth vicariously” is a pretty good summary, along with the belief that making their kids famous will guarantee them a bright future.

But it absolutely exposes children to exploitation and abuse, and sometimes the abuse can be quite extreme.

I too am conflicted about having posted this info, but these accounts are already getting plenty of attention. Some have over 100k followers. I figure it’s better that people know how this works so they can oppose it, even if it risks helping a few new unsavory people to seek these kinds of accounts out.

I’ve tried my options at informing Meta about this issue, and unsurprisingly it is completely impossible to establish any meaningful contact with a company like this.

The problem with posting pictures of kids in closed groups is that pervs will just join those groups because they have what they’re looking for. You’re basically making it easier for them.

It’s not that parents are afraid of their kids being part of a training set, though that is a bad thing in and of itself. It’s more about all of these AI undressing app ads that are showing up on every social media site, showing just how much of a wild-west situation things currently are, and that this brand of sexual exploitation is in-demand.

Predators are already automating the process so that certain Instagram models get the AI undressing treatment as soon as they upload an exploitable pic. Pretty trivial to do at scale with Instaloader, GroundingDINO, SAM, and SD. Those pics are hosted outside of Instagram where victims have no power to undo the damage. Kids will get sexually exploited in this process, incidentally or intentionally.

Run as in “mom runs this account”.

“Mom managed” also gets results.

On the flip side, search for “mom run” or “parent run” on Instagram to see the kids whose parents have decided to parade in front of thousands of people online. Usually moms posting their little girls in leotards and swimsuits for their mostly mostly adult male followers… 🤢🤮

But don’t worry, Meta isn’t complicit, if you search “child model” they give you a scary child abuse warning message.

Someone else on Lemmy pointed this out a while back, and after seeing it for myself that firmly solidified my decision to stay the fuck away from anything Meta does.

Whatever ethical concerns you have about abortion, the only way to enforce anti-abortion laws is to strip women of their medical privacy. If you want privacy rights, you need to stand for abortion rights. If you stand against abortion rights, you stand against the right to privacy.

Because at the end of the day, the difference between an elective abortion and a medically necessary abortion are the details discussed between a woman and her doctor. The only way the government gets to draw a line on what is or isn’t allowed is if they get to be an obligate part of that conversation.

You should read about what Roe v. Wade was about before you say stuff like this. Medical privacy was foundational to abortion rights in the USA. Codifying it into our constitution would have been a good idea.

Important to note that this only applies to future releases by the legal copyright owner. If the community doesn’t like it (and they often don’t), someone else can fork it from the last time it was GPL, and contributors can abandon the original codebase in favor of the GPL fork. As a result, it is extremely unwise to try to de-GPL software with a lot of contributors, as the copyright holder doesn’t have a great chance at competing with a fork if contributors jump ship.

Linus Torvalds could legally pivot Linux to a proprietary license if he wanted to, but we’d probably see it replaced with a fork called “Binix” or something within a few months, and he’d be in charge of abandonware at that point.

This is why I love FOSS products. You get the advantage of using well engineered code, without the risk of that code falling into the hands of exploitive capitalists.

When Gmail first came out 20 years ago (as of yesterday), we all thought that. It was a new world and nobody was thinking about the long term ramifications. Before that point, there wasn’t even such a thing as a Google account, Google was just a search engine that didn’t operate all that differently than Duck Duck Go does today.

I don’t even think that Google had a plan at that point in the game. Monetization was the obvious goal, but nobody really thought about what that would look like.

Since then, Google users’ privacy has experienced death by a thousand cuts. If the terms you have to agree with today were known then, Gmail never would have succeeded.

With every new product and feature added to a Google account holder’s toolbox over the past two decades, creeping normalization came with them, and here we are today…

If you, as a regular user, get this paranoid about using computers, maybe you should evaluate your priorities.

“Regular user” seems to be a strange counter to all the people I just listed that would be affected here. I’m not worried about myself, I’m worried about the people whose privacy and security is extremely important in this context.

I think the best option is to not be paranoid as a user.

Yeah, just never be a dissident, or a whistleblower, or an activist, or a member of a vulnerable marginalized group. Remember, if you obey there’s no reason to fear being spied on.

I really don’t think you understand how serious this kind of backdoor is. It puts certain people in real danger.

This is for finding yourself in and opting out of data brokers, and finding leaked credentials. They can’t do anything about doxxing or defamation by a malcious party.

Don’t exclude Pixel phones so quickly. They are one of the most versatile for custom ROMs, and they check all of your checkboxes. I love my CalxyOS Pixel 6.

Because lots of people use Mullvad and think it’s neat that there’s a Mullvad train. This isn’t a sponsored post, people just like Mullvad.

If you have €50,000 worth of Monero, they can’t know and won’t care. If you transfer it to someone else you’ll be under the radar. If you try to cash out your Monero, they’ll find out and you’re in deep shit. Monero is worthless to most people if you you can’t exchange for fiat.

I wanted to add that while Zoneminder isn’t going to be as easy or feature-rich as some of the commercial solutions recommended in this thread, this is the only solution that you can trust will remain privacy-respecting. GPL software isn’t going to sell you out.

All that can be said about the rest is that they haven’t sold their customers out yet.

I guess that’s why OP brought up that they were using someone else’s computer.

Also, a truly privacy-minded person wouldn’t refuse to use a hosted AI product at all. We generally just make ourselves aware that we don’t have privacy when using it, and never type anything sensitive into it. Also, have you seen what it costs to run a capable LLM?

It is, an email alias is a redirect. They’ve just been calling plus codes aliases and didn’t know they were mixed up.

The point of posting them is either for fun or for profit. Not to grant an open license for a corporation to sell your content for their profit.

Reddit created a website for people to come and share content and ideas with each other, and now claims to have legal ownership over their users’ content and ideas. Nobody participated because they wanted Reddit to sell their data. People generally figured that seeing advertisements was how they paid for the site, not by selling their souls.

You’re confusing the “concept of free speech” with America’s Constitutional protection of free speech (the First Amendment).

This is some peak America-brain to suggest that free speech only exists in the USA. I assure you, outside of America’s borders, nobody is referencing the First Amendment when they talk about free speech, and the concept as you so condescendingly claim to be the expert on is not limited to government restriction.

The definition of “dark pattern” has been evolving. Today I think it means “UI design I don’t like”, or at least that’s how everyone’s been using it.

Recently saw someone accuse PayPal of using dark patterns when they clicked the submit payment button and the payment went through (they wanted one more interstitial).

Freedom of speech includes the freedom not to be forced to consume something (including ads). Freedom of speech includes not sending all of my metadata to you and your business partners.

The Colorado Supreme Court is most certainly not the highest court in the land… I would like to see this reviewed at the federal level, because it appears unconstitutional.

They have, for years. This isn’t new.