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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 03, 2023


Yeah any arbitrary thing they decide makes them more money, they will include, which is a problem.

The whole thing is predatory and abusive, and is enabled by regulatory capture.

So my premiums are higher in my 20000$ car because Lexus drivers get carjacked in my postal code.

It’s not new to me. It’s always been stupid and predatory.

A private business is arbitrarily charging customers for a required service. Living in one postal code or another has no bearing on a driver’s actual skill. These people are predatory, pull your head out of your ass.

Is your record good? I moved years ago and my rate dropped by half.

Was my record better or something? No.

No? There’s a minimum base price that you would be charged.

Remember, this is a profitability equation, not a risk assessment. Wearing a Pope hat doesn’t make you the Pope.

Yeah you are a “flight risk” customer or you have other data points that make them think you are worth offering a lower premium.

Nah just people that understand that the insurance companies will do everything to optimise profits over everything, using any excuse they can.

Heuristics like this will squeeze pennies out of middle earners and be gentle to the more “competitive” customers, that can afford not driving or going to a competitor.

He doesn’t have a password for the ISP router

Maybe, if it’s a fiber router it handles some authentication maybe?

It’s platonic, you never hugged a coworker before?

Buy another router to stick in between your ISP device and the rest of your network. You won’t notice.

Data laws aren’t for you. They are for marginalized and vulnerable demographics, who are put at risk when they get doxxed.

Multiple billions no. There’s 1.4 billion cars after a casual google, and considering how many people have cars as a convenience or multiple cars I think it might be closer to a single billion people need cars.