
Depends on the country you live in and the legislation. Also it is possible that you or your parents signed something to give them consent.

I live in italy

Then ask the pricipal to show you your written constent and make this gesture: 🤌

Nah that won’t work alone, i also have to say: “wuagliò ma c cazz ste disc🤌🤌 , naggh firmet nud!!”.

Which means something along the lines of: “hey man, the fuck are you sayin?? I didn’t sign anythin’!!”

If you live in Italy then you or your parents signed a release form that gave them the permission at the beginning of the year.

Otherwise they’re legally obligated to remove them

Source: I am Italian and I’m annoyed to sign that form every year

Nah they didn’t sign shit, my school is poorly organized

Then you can file a GDPR claim. That’s the last step on the escalation procedure, though. Start with nicely asking the school and if they don’t gomply: increase the (legal) pressure.

How does that work? I don’t want to ask directly to my school because they probably won’t care to comply with my demands. I don’t want to have any sort of direct contact with the school


I don’t want to have any sort of direct contact with the school

Then how do you expect it to be taken down?

The school posted it, I assume, on an insta account they control.

You first step is to contact them directly and ask for it to be removed.

If you are not willing to do that, which I can understand, I am not sure how you proceed as I don’t know about the ins and outs of GDPR.


Honestly, there’s not really a good way to do this anonymously without escalating it. You’re within your right to request that it be removed, and you don’t need a solid justification to remove it. I assume it’s just a random promo photo on their instagram? I don’t think they’d care much outside of just removing it.

probably won’t care to comply with my demands

Schools care (or want to appear that they care) about the privacy, safety, and comfort of their students. I think they’d just remove it if asked. You could also try speaking to whoever is running the account and ask them, if say you don’t want to reach out to the admin.

There’s a quick draft:

Hi _______, I saw I was in a recent photo that was posted to the ____ account. I would like to kindly request that the photo be removed, as I value my online privacy and I am trying to have control over where my images are shared. Please let me know if there’s anything else I should do to complete this process, and thank you for your help!

I don’t know man, my school is kinda goofy lol. They can’t even manage to get us teachers. But considering it’s just an email, i’ll definetly be trying that. Thanks

That’s the first step of escalation. If they don’t comply, you can threaten them with/kindly remind them of the italian data protection laws (you’d have to research those on your own). If they won’t comply then, you can issue a GDPR request. According to the GDPR, you can always demand your info being deleted. no matter, what you signed beforehand. If that fails: talk to the press and/or get a lawyer.

I imagine they can’t get lawyers either.

They don’t want to know what happens if they refuse, most likely.


Best of luck and hope it works out for you!


This is true, but consent can be withdrawn.

Really? Can you back this up? So for istance if i signed something and i decide to withdrawn the consent, is it legit? Of which laws do i need to avail myself?

You may not need to do so legally, I believe you would have success speaking with someone at your school about it informally. If you are uncomfortable speaking with some of the people at your school, try to find someone you are comfortable with and raise the issue with them.


Laws and such depend on where you live, of course. Here in Sweden if your school publicly posts photos of you and you wish to have them taken down, they’re obliged to do so. That was the case during PUL, which the GDPR superceded a while ago. I’d assume something similar should apply for you even if you’re not in Europe. The school doesn’t own your image, and has no right to use it if you don’t want them to.

It can be withdrawn in other cases too. If you agree to a medical procedure but change your mind, you can withdraw consent. If you enter intimate relations with someone but wish for that to stop, you can withdraw your consent. If consent to someone borrowing your car, but find that they’re not doing so responsibly, you can withdraw consent.

It’s all fairly normal. Your easiest avenue to have the photos removed would be to just ask the school. “Hi, I saw you posted photos of me on Instagram and it makes me a bit uncomfortable. Would it be at all possible to have them removed, or crop me out, please?”

I’ve always hated having my photos taken, so when schools organised that kind of thing I was always adamantly against being in them. Apart from some “oh come on!” and “it’ll be a nice memory!” they’ve always respected it.

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