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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 15, 2023


Create your input for email and password with the id / name “email” and “password” and hide them with CSS. Then you create the real inputs with an id like “zipcode” or some other thing that would throw bots off.

Password managers hate this trick

I would not go the route of getting a lawyer at this stage.

As others have pointed out, contacting your school is probably the best way. Also talk to your parents and your uncle.

Depends on the country you live in and the legislation. Also it is possible that you or your parents signed something to give them consent.

But keep in mind that sms is not encrypted.

I did everything you included in your first paragraph.

I could try again but I don’t know if this makes any difference, at least I read a simmilar story on reddit some time ago. If I remember correctly it was about a person who got banned on Instagram and therefore he was not able to get his data deleted.

Yes, could be possible, but I think this is not acceptable for a company as big as Meta

This was the sender email: notification@email.meta.com

And all links point to meta.com, so no phishing

Meta not complying with GDPR
Last week I received an email from Meta Plattforms Inc about their new ToS and Privacy Policy addressed to my first Name. But I don't have any accounts on any services from Meta Platforms (I deleted them a few years ago). Therefore I contacted the DPO and requested a copy of my personal data and asked them to delete it according to GDPR. They told me that there is no account associated to my email, I should provide my account details to the account in question, which I don't have. They are unable to help me with the data I provided and I should contact the irish or my local data protection authority and bring my claims before court. So they obviously have at least my first name and my email address and refuse to comply with GDPR. Has anyone had any simmilar experiences or any recommendations on my further actions? I don't have the time and money to sue Meta, but I will contact my local data protection authority.

You just need to connect the raspberry to your network, set a static IP and set the DNS server in your router to the IP of the RPi. Your router handles all the Routing and Wifi and the RPi just resolves DNS queries.

I suggest looking up what DNS is and that should clear things up for you.

Btw, I gess you meant wlan with wan, those are two different things in networking.

You should just put it next to your router with a wired connection. This should improve latency for dns requests and give you less headache because no problems with wifi can happen.