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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 18, 2023


I got the same warning for the original link with ff as well.

Your comment link didn’t throw up a red flag.

The only way to have complete privacy online is to never go online.

Anything else will always be a compromise.

Banning still occurs.

Don’t want to be banned?

Create your own instance.

Content may disappear upon logging back in.

Don’t want your posts to disappear?

Create your own instance.

Email verification is required during registration, compromising anonymity.

Don’t want email verification?

Create your own instance.

Though if you do, enjoy having the trolls flock to your instance, use it to spam the fuck out of everyone else and be de-federated in short order.

How does wiremin deal with illegal content?

How does wiremin deal with spam?

How does wiremin deal with trolls?

It’s the main reason why you don’t want household IoT devices on the same network as your trusted devices.

Lastly, yeah I’m dead so it’s not my problem but people will remember me for a little while more so might as well think of that too.

You have never been able to control how the people around you think about you when you are alive and won’t be able to once you pass.

Everyone has their secrets and I doubt that any you have will be that shocking to friends and family.

I am not saying this to mock your preparations just to offer some perspective.


I do not care.

If I am gone, I am gone.

Any digital traces I leave behind no longer bother me and my privacy is now assured.

No one will care what is on my accounts and I think it is hubris for 99.9999% of the population to think otherwise.

EG: Of the approximately 1,000,000 people who have died on earth in the past week, unless you are Mathew Perry, no one cares what is in your protonmail account.

? a future where Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) and AI glasses will become commonplace.

You are making definitive statements about things that are simply not true.

We are no closer to AGI than when AI research started 70 years ago.

We still do not understand how consciousnesses develops in animals. Until we can do that we have zero chance of recreating it in silicon.

Everything else that follows is better suited to a SF community…

Honestly, if you are serious about limiting RF leakage. The simplest and easiest avenue I can suggest is to build a faraday cage around you equipment.

No expensive testing equipment required.

It won’t be pretty or convenient but a couple of hundreds dollars in 2 by 4s and chicken wire will block out your theoretical neighbour from scanning from the apartment above, below or from any direction.

Of course that will mean you can’t use WIFI but I assume you know that already.

it would be trivial to see what I’m typing on my screen right now

Ok, now move your monitoring equipment outside your home, into a van parked across the street.

How trivial is it now?

Have someone swap out your monitor for a different random model so that you don’t know what it is.

How trivial is it now?

There are four screens in the room that I am typing this and another in a room a few meters away. You now need to isolate the rf bleed of one from all the rest.

How trivial is it now?

I am now using my laptop at the local library where there are about 100 screens of various pcs and laptops.

How trivial is it now?

That is my point. When you have actual physical access to the equipment in a controlled environment, stuff like this is relatively easy.

When you don’t and need to do it in an actual real world scenario where you want to keep the target unaware of what you are doing it becomes so hard that unless a nation state is watching you it will never happen.

even if I display blatant signs of unwarranted paranoia in the process.

It is not paranoia to investigate this.

then learn to secure myself,

Believing you need to secure yourself? Yeah that is moving towards paranoia.

Paranoia, on some level is an aspect of narcissism.

I am so special that others want to know what I am trying to hide.

Trust me, no one gives a shit.

trying to solve such problems?

Are you doing something that nation state security groups would find interesting?

If yes, then you are already compromised by asking about it here.

If no, then you have no such problems.

Simply put, no one cares about you enough to go to the trouble and even if they did, there are much easier ways to gather the information they need.

That does not mean it is not interesting to investigate but you do not have to worry about people looking to exploit my digital vulnerabilities as you are not that interesting for anyone to go to the trouble this sort of work entails.

Now that is the joy of having a very common name.

The last time i search my name (Firstname and lastname). I was not in the first 20 pages of google results.

I don’t want to have any sort of direct contact with the school

Then how do you expect it to be taken down?

The school posted it, I assume, on an insta account they control.

You first step is to contact them directly and ask for it to be removed.

If you are not willing to do that, which I can understand, I am not sure how you proceed as I don’t know about the ins and outs of GDPR.

we are on a privacy sub. Everything I said is relevant to privacy.

So, in the nicest possible way. Pull your head in.

The malware on your system is Chrome.

Expecting an advertising company to have your interests in mind (you are the nothing but eyeballs they are delivering to their customers) is the hight of naivety.

Never do anything on work machines/networks you don’t want to have to explain to hr/legal.

Strange game. The only way to win is not to play…

How about a nice game of chess?