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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 04, 2023


I think not? I’m sure it still comes with some privacy risks, plus your phone is using power you paid for to train models owned by someone else I believe. What features are you thinking of? Lol I use a pixel as well

Federated learning as a machine learning topic is unrelated to floc afaict.

The issue I have with things like FloC and the topics API are that they are attempts to keep the cash flowing at Google before disabling 3rd party cookies, when it seems obvious that the time to disable 3rd party cookies is now.

You may not need to do so legally, I believe you would have success speaking with someone at your school about it informally. If you are uncomfortable speaking with some of the people at your school, try to find someone you are comfortable with and raise the issue with them.

I agree electronic payments are more beneficial than harmful. In terms of privacy in the mass surveillance world we live in, using cash just forces the watchers to use your cellphone data instead. I think privacy these days is mostly about living an uninteresting life.