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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 12, 2023


If you do that, make it public, or else you can get profiled again.

Even if that’s true: It still is prone to enshittification.

Nope. Nor should you, if you’d only use it yourself, since pooling is integral if you don’t want to be profiled.

There are public instances at Searx.space.

  1. Already using Antennapod
  2. Never heard of “Podcasting 2.0”, but it seems sketchy, tbh.
  3. The link you supplied uses the same anchor.fm (spotify) feed as the official one

That’s defidetly not how most people use that phrase.

Have you heard him say that phrase? Do you really think that Louis Rossman would say something like that and mean it as you claim? O.o

Any way to anonymize Podcast downloads?
Hi there! I like to listen to the "Slightly something else" podcast. Although it is gaming-related, they have these ad-segments that have some kind of targetting, as it is always in the language from where I've downloaded the episone. Yesterday I was really surprised that the ad seemed very well targeted, because it has been referencing a very specific topic concerning my flatmates and me that doesn't have anything to do with gaming. My first theory was that my IP was correlated with search terms my partner googled in my home IP (I search with searxng). But then I realized that I've subscribed to another podcast related to the advertised topic. (also: the episode with the advertisements was downloaded via mobile network) So... Apparently, spotify (where slightly something else is hosted via anchor.fm) analyzes the podcasts I subscribe to via rss feed. Is there any way how I can avoid being profiled? Is this the reason why I'd start using a commercial VPN? Edit: I'd like to reply to your comments, but my lemmy instance won't display them correctly. So I'll try to answer here: I'm already using Antennapod with rss feeds for download. That's why I was so suprised and pissed that the ad was so obviously targeted.

Context is important, “bro”. If the context is clearly ironic hit is), it’s basically a “I can’t stop you from being a dick”.

Yeah, that’s not what he meant, though. It is clearly not meant as a serious “your yod is going to judge you”, but rather “I’m counting on the honor system and if you abuse my trust, you’re probably a dick, but I can’t do anything about it”.

Stop thinking being an atheist is a substitute for an actual personality.

A higher skill level demand shouldn’t change the licencing concepts behind a project.

In what world is “that’s between you and your god” guilt tripping?

Ok, then you can think of the world where no one pays for any OSS and developers still need to pay rent.

Don’t feel bullied if you can’t afford it, but if you use it, you can afford the 5(?) bucks and you don’t pay for it: that is kind of considered a dick move.

I saw the video. Is that really against the FOSS philosophy? I imagine that you can’t do that with e.g. the kernel either.

The licencing they chose is a bit of a hack job, but I see the necessity. IMHO, it’s clear that they want to advance the libre software world.

As far as I understand it, you can pay for a license, but you don’t have to?

Exactly. Louis Rossman says that if you use it and don’t pay, that’s “between you and your god”.

If I’d use this service, it’d have to be self-hosted.

I already don’t like how centralized signal is. Adding another service I’d need to trust in the middle doesn’t make it better.

That’s the first step of escalation. If they don’t comply, you can threaten them with/kindly remind them of the italian data protection laws (you’d have to research those on your own). If they won’t comply then, you can issue a GDPR request. According to the GDPR, you can always demand your info being deleted. no matter, what you signed beforehand. If that fails: talk to the press and/or get a lawyer.

Then you can file a GDPR claim. That’s the last step on the escalation procedure, though. Start with nicely asking the school and if they don’t gomply: increase the (legal) pressure.

I’m curious: Isn’t Searx(ng) a bit less useful if you’re the only person using it? I thought that pooling of searches make it harder to run targetting algorithms.

Let’s hope that Linux Phone OSes will be able to be daily drivers until then.

I really like delta chat as well. Anonymous mails are easy to come by and everyone has an email adress. Bonus: people actually start encrypting their messages.

IMHO, it is a good balance between adoption and security. Still not perfect, though.