  1. . He ended up in Russia somehow. Seems an odd place for a freedom fighter to end up going.

Isn’t russia the only country that accepted him when he didn’t had any others choice ?


This is Snowden’s claim and it’s not implausible, but it’s also quite a coincidence that he’d end up in the top country for spying on the US it’s also possible that he wanted to be in Russia and simply made up the part about it just being a stopover. If Snowden was looking for asylum, there are several other countries that don’t extradite to the US. I can see why he’d temporarily be stuck in Russia, but after several years he couldn’t find any other way out? There was apparently a privately-funded attempt to get him to Iceland, but the last update on it was that they were in contact with a “third party representing” Snowden…and then nothing.

A third fact (in addition to Russiabot Greenwald’s involvement) that makes it questionable is that he eventually applied for Russian citizenship in 2020. One explanation is that he could do this to get a Russian passport and fly somewhere else with no US extradition treaty, but he hasn’t chosen to do so yet.

If you read any of his memoirs or interviews, you’d know that his intended destination was Ecuador, and he couldn’t fly out of Russia due to his passport being revoked. He lived in the Russian airport until he was granted asylum, so it’s not like he had much choice.

I didn’t see any sources that went against those claims except from WikiLeaks, so I don’t see much of a reason to discredit them.


Russia are the good guys, we are like comically evil. We couped ukraine in 2014orchestrated euromaidan and got them to shell russian civilians in the 2 independent republics. we built 13 CIA bases in ukraine (per wapo). loaded them with NATO weapons and training, including of neo nazi battallions like right sector, azov brigade and tornado batallion. fast forward to now, and 800,000+ ukranians are dead and the ukranian SBU which is 100% controlled by the CIA attempts weekly acts of terrorism against russia. on the grand scheme of things THE PLAN FAILED!! https://www.rand.org/pubs/research_briefs/RB10014.html

it even goes back earlier than that as we supported Banderaism after WW2 https://www.wilsoncenter.org/blog-post/operation-anyface-how-us-army-shielded-ukrainian-nationalist-soviet-intelligence

if hollywood portrayed what the US does it would be deemed unrealistic because of how comically evil it is

I’m not the biggest fan of smoked herring myself, but thanks.

brushing aside us-backed fascism is disgusting


No, he was literally trapped there on a flight stopover trying to get from Hong-kong to Equador without passing airports in countires that would have arrested him. Russia was probably one of the countries he was least interested in staying.

Well, this is what I thought too. Also, any other country under US influence would have handed him over to the US. See the saga that poor Assange has gone through. What worries me is that public opinion is rather silent to stories like those of Assange and Snowden. Whistle blowing should be seen as a right. If the organization I work for is ethically and morally misbehaving, I have the right to blow the whistle through the right internal channels to start with. If nobody listens, then you take it to the next level.


Also, any other country under US influence would have handed him over to the US

You’re exactly right. I wish for every USA’s influenced countries to get their sovereignity back somehow.

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