Admin on the Lemmy instance.

He/Him or what ever you feel like.


Avatar is an image of a baby octopus.

  • 27 Posts
Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Sep 19, 2022


It’s relatively popular in DACH countries.

I use it sometimes. It has its fair share of issues, and the back end is not open-source, but it is OK for the most part. Main benefit is that you don’t need a mobile number to sign up.

But if you are looking for an alternative IM to use with friends and family, I would rather suggest XMPP, specifically Snikket.

Well, at this point it is not entirely clear what Dekard will be. There are some details that point to it being a hybrid of both a VR optimised Qualcomm SoC and a SteamDeck like x86 system.

They are probably experimenting with various form factors, one of which could be a belt mounted box with the x86 part that you can alternatively use as a set top box in a more stationary setting.

No, it is supposed to be a standalone VR headset.

You need an Ejabberd server and this auth script:

Sure, works great.

There is even an integration with Lemmy that server admins can use to give every account on their Lemmy server also an XMPP account with the same handle/address.

User created invites and admin approved application texts work fine.

He has been found in Russia living with a fake identity of an orthodox priest, likely facilitated by the FSB.

A list that doesn’t even try to include XMPP is immediately disqualified as it shows a severe lack of understanding about the messenger space.

I don’t think Gamescope uses Kwin, but Valve could certainly add similar support to Gamescope.

Most Linux games, including those that use WINE/Proton require Xwayland to run, which as any compatibility layer has some performance impact.

Oh, my sweet sweet summer child… I have bad news for you 😆

You walked right into my deliberate rethorical trap 😅

There is no such thing as trustless computing, and anyone that tries to sell you that is scamming you or drank the same kool-aid.

Where did I even mention Signal? Total strawman argument, as I don’t think Signal is a good option either.

But you go ahead and trust Simplex Chat Ltd. I guess some people only learn from their own mistakes 🤷‍♂️

SimpleX Chat Ltd is a seed stage startup with a lot of user growth in 2022-2023, and a lot of exciting technical and product problems to solve to grow faster.

Run by a VC funded for-profit company. That really should tell you all you need to know. Sorry, but no thanks.

I am genuinely happy for them, but that still doesn’t mean I need or want to see random baby pictures twice a day.

P.S.: my basement is fine, thanks 😅

Wait, who other than the grandparents actually wants to see the baby pictures? In my experience it is insufferable new parents that want to show their baby pictures to everyone and you have to pretend to like it to be polite. Maybe others just agreed to using another messenger just so they could ignore it better?

Hmm, I was indeed going by their WhatsApp api access, but I doubt FB Messenger will be substantially different after 6 months.

They didn’t open anything really. All they did was to allow companies to interact with their client API in an extremely limited fashion and only after signing an NDA riddled contract.

Its no wonder there are no takers on this “offer” and I hope the EU fines them billions for this malicious compliance.

It’s a "the NSA wanted to have that for their own internal use” kind of scenario.

This was basically a lucky catch. Sadly makes you wonder how many backdoors like that have not been found (yet). Never the less the distro model of not feeding in upstream binaries directly is an important part of the multi-barrier security.

Long term you are probably better off converting to AV1 and sticking with Firefox, but I understand that your desktop GPU might not currently support AV1?

It’s separate, but you can use Matterbridge to connect the chat if you really want.

Alternatively you can use Jitsi Meet, which can be integrated with Ergo and an IRC webclient like Convos, but that isn’t a simple setup then anymore.

Some outdated ones do, but it is very easy to run your own modern IRC server that does none of that.

Mumble + IRC or XMPP works well.

Commercial incentives which are strong and predictable. Regulations should not be designed as if they aren’t there.

The entire point of the GDPR is to reign in those “commercial incentives” to spy on users for a little extra money from advertisers.

But I am starting to get the feeling I am trying to argue with someone who makes a living out of spying on users and selling that data to advertisers, which makes this argument moot.

or that all builders of web sites would do better not to make any attempt to (for example) keep track of which of their visitors have been there before

If there is a technical reason to do so, the GDPR explicitly allows doing so without any consent banner… and if there isn’t other than harvesting data to sell it to advertisers, then yes there is no reason to have that.

No, but you can do it via XMPP, which is better than Matrix anyway.

Did you read the article to the end? The entire point is that these banners are not needed at all, anywhere in the world.

Sadly no, but you can self-host their stack and link it to an SIP voip provider:

But that will give you only a land-line based phone-number with no SMS support most likely.

It can be used entirely without a SIM card or even a mobile-phone. All you need is an internet connected device and a compatible XMPP client.

It gives you a normal mobile number (US & Canada) you can use for calls and sms from within your XMPP apps.

If this is the case, what makes Windows so much more vulnerable?

As with most exploits: they go for where the most and easiest targets are.

As a Linux user it is very unlikely that anyone will try to hack your webcam, even if Linux were similarly vulnerable as Windows.

They have no business incentive for it, contrary to most other websites that are funded by targeted advertisement which basically means doxxing their users to advertisement companies.

They ran a LLC company and earned a quite substantial amount of money with Yuzu. I also suspect that they don’t actually plan to pay much of this fine and just let the LLC go bankrupt.

Those two women from Sweden were not prostitutes (and even if, it wouldn’t matter) and have themselves backtracked from pressing charges. They are also victims of this entire farce and have been instrumentalized.

It has been in beta for a while now and it still does require a SIM for registration.

Please Identify Yourself! [Chaos Communication Congress]
Loads of other interesting talks as well next week.

cross-posted from: > Link in German, but after all these years of people complaining and even if analytics are explicitly disabled in Element, it still phones home :(