• 1 Post
Joined 7M ago
Cake day: Feb 17, 2024

Hi, anyone come across and used the Polycentric + Harbour option for managing digital ID? What do you think about it? Does it really manage IDs in a private and secure way? I came across FLUTO who seem to be great promoters of "software for the benefit of humanity" but you always wonder how much you can trust these thrid parties ... when they decide to sell your data?

This post got me to search in FDroid and i found Chatlaunch forma Whatsapp. Anyone used it?

Mate, something like Immich or digikam (if you want local) will do a good job at this. Not perfect but perfection is utopia. I fed 40k images to Immich and it did a reasonable job in not too many hrs.

Well, this is what I thought too. Also, any other country under US influence would have handed him over to the US. See the saga that poor Assange has gone through. What worries me is that public opinion is rather silent to stories like those of Assange and Snowden. Whistle blowing should be seen as a right. If the organization I work for is ethically and morally misbehaving, I have the right to blow the whistle through the right internal channels to start with. If nobody listens, then you take it to the next level.

Wow, I was so engrained in Signal that I didn’t even realize there was something more secure. Signal is now as useable as Whatapp. I still don’t understand why people still use it. Is SimpleX usable and can I get my 80 year old mum to use it?