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Joined 1M ago
Cake day: May 21, 2024


Russia are the good guys, we are like comically evil. We couped ukraine in 2014orchestrated euromaidan and got them to shell russian civilians in the 2 independent republics. we built 13 CIA bases in ukraine (per wapo). loaded them with NATO weapons and training, including of neo nazi battallions like right sector, azov brigade and tornado batallion. fast forward to now, and 800,000+ ukranians are dead and the ukranian SBU which is 100% controlled by the CIA attempts weekly acts of terrorism against russia. on the grand scheme of things THE PLAN FAILED!! https://www.rand.org/pubs/research_briefs/RB10014.html

it even goes back earlier than that as we supported Banderaism after WW2 https://www.wilsoncenter.org/blog-post/operation-anyface-how-us-army-shielded-ukrainian-nationalist-soviet-intelligence

if hollywood portrayed what the US does it would be deemed unrealistic because of how comically evil it is

“Russian pro-war, anti-Ukraine Propaganda” is when things are actually true and not CIA or state department propaganda

WHAT human rights abuses? Is there a source that doesn’t link back to the CIA or state department?

China and Russia are far more free than the US. In the US you can’t even peacefully protest against genocide. You can’t even criticize politicians. One guy was visited by capitol police just for criticizing AOC on Twitter (he did not threaten her in any way). In China and Russia you can talk shit about politicians all you want. Nobody cares.