
I know I’ll probably get dogpiled for saying this, but I’ll say it anyway. It makes me really sad to see these things because they’re targeted to people who aren’t “willingly stupid”. Learning disabled and the elderly primarily. I’ve also seen foreign teenagers who grew up without technology in very corrupt government systems fall for similar messages.

It really breaks my heart. We should be protecting these people, but there’s so many comments here blaming them.

“Stupid people” aren’t the problem here, the scammers taking advantage of the most vulnerable populations are.

Because they only want responses from extremely gullible people. Being extra means that anyone who wouldn’t make for a good mark gets weeded out early.

I read “serious furry and punishment” at first 💀💀

oh, you too!

That’s a different crime 😂

I hate when I accidentally “communicate with enemy state like north korea, syria, iraq, iran” .

Ok a bit offtopic, but is this really ransomware or just a fullscreen ‘ad’ that you can easily close? I wasn’t aware of ransomware on phones.

Where does this shit even come from? I’ve never had a popup on my screen like this.

Porn, the answer is always porn .

Could be a website that won’t let you hit back or refresh. Of course you cna always just close the browser but some people aren’t that tech savvy.

That tiger is pretty scary tbh

Gotta give them an A for effort.

Ah yes, the well-known FBI motto: serious fury and punishment.

And, of course, everyone knows the US is famously populated by tigers.

The Doctor

nods in Operation Sundevil

🇺🇸 And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who do not pay with Bitcoin. 🦁

What’s up with the tiger lol

Would people who fall for this be able to understand bitcoin?

Aren’t all bitcoin users, by definition, people who’ve fell into a scam?

Not the guys who harvested thousands of them for free on their CPU, nor the people that came along a little later and bought them for $20 a coin. Those guys are pretty fucking happy right now.



^ this is a Venn Diagram showing people who would fall for that scam, and people who would be able to figure out how to buy Bitcoin if their lives depended on it.

They send them to those crypto ATMS so all they have to do is insert cash and type the address. The scammer is on the phone to assist them usually.

Apparently, the scammers are really good at helping people setup bitcoin. Yes, really.

I watched a video of a scam baiter recently. The scammer wanted playstation store credits or something. The baiter pretended to be an old lady that didn’t understand much. The scammer just had no patience at all. Calling her stupid in her face and all that. Apparently there are really bad scammers.
bot account

Here is an alternative Piped link(s):

Piped is a privacy-respecting open-source alternative frontend to YouTube.

I’m open-source, check me out at GitHub.

This right here. There’s also Bitcoin vending machines in many larger cities. Scammers stay on the phone and walk them through step by step.

They’re extra because they’re not going for the smart fish. They’re targeting the dumb fish.

This is unironically the real reason.

The same people who wouldn’t notice the comically obvious spelling and grammatical errors, ridiculously silly imagery, and the fact that it’s demanding fucking bitcoin… well, let’s just say they’re not the “attention to detail” types and are more easily captured by scammers.

Echo Dot

So are they police or FBI I’m confused.

Obviously yes

deleted by creator

Be careful, We are police 😂

In America, that could be considered a threat in and of itself.


Sadly in india too

I wonder if something like google translate did this (probably not) or would do an even better job of translating from whatever their native language was?

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