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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 27, 2023


Yeah, VPN at the very least adds another hoop they have to jump through.

I strongly suspect stuff like this happens at rich people’s private schools.

Ain’t no public school in the US got money for this.

In the US cash is considered “legal tender for all debts” by law currently.

That’s changing though as some places won’t accept cash even still.

I suspect October will not be a huge deal. If a nasty exploit does pop-up in the wild I strongly suspect MS will back patch it for the next year probably.

Not really, every for profit, has contracts that they can sell your DNA to anyone they want. AFIK

MSI is releasing a monitor, with cheating built in… Granted it only “highlights” things but still.

Tbf, the banks knows your information is correct and you’re using a vpn.

This is the banks way of saying " hey jackass turn off your VPN and come back…"

I suspect many people who run vpns full time, constantly forget to turn them off…

You also split your intended audience and every discussion. It’s one of the big issues with Lemmy and federation right now. People create multiple copies of the same community across different servers.

Out of curiosity, is your phone number real or virtual ( like Google Voice) Many services won’t send to virtual numbers anymore because they’re used for scams so much.

I “think” I remember them trying something like this before with the ISPs and it got smacked down.