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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 26, 2023


It’s because they craft their entire identity around that particular thing. It does not matter what the belief or how illogical the belief, if you question it, or are simply not prepared to go along with it, they get really angry and incoherent.

I doubt that it’s sending audio data back to Microsoft although it probably does have access to your search history if you’ve used bing / the inbuilt search bar.

The thing is, if they get really stupid with it I could just go ahead and install pi hole. I haven’t already because it’s a bit of a fiddle on and I don’t apparently don’t need it yet. There’s no way for the government to mandate against that, unless they actually want to ban me from owning a computer, Which obviously won’t really work.

This is their stated intention, but there are a bunch of idiots, and even they know it won’t work.

So this will probably end up getting quietly walked back to avoid yet another embarrassing scandal of governmental uselessness, and you’ll never hear about it again. They are currently getting absolutely rinsed in the enquiry, so hopefully they’re feeling a little bit humble at the moment.

So you’re saying the problem is a lack of murders?

The Conservatives (big C) have always been like this. But lately they’ve gotten an undeserved confidence boost from the likes of Trump, and the GOP in general and their “reality is what you say it is” attitude to politics. The idea they could just outright lie about stuff hadn’t really occurred to them prior to that point.

So that’s for that Americans.

You can just call them a crypto company, them being shit is kind of implied.

Too true.

There is some arguement to be made that Facebook was kind of good at first. It was useful and it had social impacts that were positive. Over time it became toxic.

Twitter was awful from day one though, mostly because it was bloody useless from day one. Everything that anybody used it for could have been done, and generally was also done, on Facebook, so there was literally no point in the platform.

It’s new name is “X, formally known as Twitter”. Which is what every news website on the planet calls it.

Regardless the fact that X is a stupid name for a company, it’s also dumb to rename a popular company generally anyway.

That’s just circling around the issue.

The income is illegal according to the Chinese government because he used a VPN to do work, he wasn’t charged for using the VPN directly he was charged for using the VPN to do work, but functionally it’s the same thing.

They don’t like people doing stuff they don’t know about because they’re a draconian oversight obsessed dictatorship.

Only if the country in question is sanctioned and I don’t think Turkey is sanctioned by China.

This is just a Chinese government doing whatever the hell they want and not thinking through / caring about the consequences.

I’m often confused about China’s laws.

If doing business outside of China is now illegal doesn’t that rather undermine the basis of theur whole cheap manufacturing economy?

The conservatives are pretty bad at the best of times but the last 5 or 6 years they’ve been utterly appalling.

So only watch mainstream porn on work computers, got it.

I’ve always assumed work will be looking at the browser history. Anyone who assumes they won’t is an idiot.

That’s what’s happened in other countries that have tried to implement this. Unless you want to basically go the Chinese route and ban all exterior access it’s an utterly unenforceable law. Which I am sure they would have been told if they had bothered to consult anybody with domain knowledge.

They tried this in the UK and the ISPs is just ignored them. So the government declared its success anyway, despite the fact that essentially nothing had happened, and then stopped talking about it.

These laws always come up by people whose grasp of technology is basically, make magic box do thing x. They don’t understand that people smarter than them (school kids) will find workarounds in about 10 seconds.

Hope he didn’t write $100 Americans just refuse to acknowledge the existence of other cultures and can’t be bothered to try to learn to understand them.

The presence of multiple zeros after the decimal point is the big clue you know.

So are they police or FBI I’m confused.

Look its the US cops, it’s like not prodding venomous spiders, it’s basic self protection.

No it’s common for cash. Anytime you buy anything very expensive, such as a house or you want to take out a fun contract you have to submit to anti money laundering searches. This is also true of physical cash.

So they can advise where the cash comes from. The problem wasn’t carrying it it was not been able to give an adequate explanation as to its origin.

It must be nice to have thousands of dollars and have no idea where it came from. But realistically it’s highly unlikely that you would walk around with it.

Presumably you either were handed it in which case you know where you got it from, or you got it out of the bank in which case you must have a business or lottery winnings or inheritance you can point to.

I cannot imagine any innocent scenario where you have vast of money (in currency form) of which you are unable to provide origin information on.

The Tories don’t have to worry they’re basically going to be voted out anyway, quite possibly by the largest landside in political history. They know it, so they are now just making life more difficult for everyone for no reason.

I advise they do nothing at all, ignore the law and see if the UK government actually does anything about it, because I highly suspect that they won’t.

That’s just the way you have to treat the Tories, pretend they don’t exist.

And of course maybe you’ve got nothing too hide today. But what about tomorrow. What if something that is perfectly acceptable today becomes illegal tomorrow, what is a dictatorship takes over your country and wants to search for undesirables. If there are no privacy systems in place they can just look at publicly available data.

What if you are targeted by a hate group who used publicly available information to find victims?

I have nothing to hide is such a stupid attitude because it assumes that you will always agree with the government and that the government will never change or do anything directly to harm you. It smacks at a lack of imagination.

Which makes you wonder what the point in this bill even is. They will barely get an opportunity to make use of it.

especially with the rumors of Scotland getting independence.

Yeah, that’s not how it works.