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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 08, 2023


and the systems that uphold them as well.

This is the most important point. Governments at every level are discarding constitutional law, and embracing fascism in opposition of American ideals. Cops couldn’t do this without the support of city, county, state, and federal programs to give them what they want.

What they really clicked is “this is bullshit and I don’t have time to read all of this, just to use something I paid for”. If companies were required by law to distill their policies into plain English and short summaries then a lot fewer people would have clicked accept. But those ToS started out as nothing more than overly long liability waivers, and over the years the corporations started sneaking more and more exploitative language into them.

They will collect and sell your data either way. They just won’t force ads down your throat if you pay them. This is what billionaires have done to our beloved internet.

I chose option C, don’t use Instagram. But thanks, I guess!

Wouldn’t it be cool if legislatures made decisions based on the constitution and ethics and weren’t completely driven by corporate profits?

Thanks for the update. I just checked them out and they seem like they have a lot of servers. They’re almost double what I paid for Nord. Is there enough of a difference to consider switching? My Nord subscription doesn’t expire for five more months though.

Yes, the problem is that there are no laws to stop them and now it was just officially made legal.

I donate to the EFF, and you should too!

Edit: I also donate through an app called Share the Meal, which provides meals to impoverished areas. You can choose where your donation goes.

Google temporarily delays rollout of their DRM for Web until public attention shifts to something worse they propose that was always a smokescreen.

You down with CCP (Yeah you know me)

Who’s down with CCP (Every last homie)

You down with CCP (Yeah you know me)

Who’s down with CCP (All the homies)

You don’t have to buy citizenship in the United States or Canada. Both countries are also fighting internal fascism, but it’s not as bad as what we’re seeing in the UK.

The reality is much stupider. It has the word patriot in it, so they love it.

They’re not a monarchy though, and haven’t been for a long time. They’re a parliamentary democracy, or at least they have been. They’re definitely edging dictatorship.

So they’re essentially admitting that their advertisements are indistinguishable from your friend’s posts which are the actual reason you visit the site in the first place. It doesn’t matter anyway anymore. Facebook has buried friends list content among absolute bullshit you have zero desire to see. I visited a while ago and 99% of what I was shown was ridiculous groups I tried to block. But there are millions of them. You can block a thousand groups and there’s 999 thousand more that are just like it, waiting to take their place. Facebook is supposed to have this super algorithm that determines what users want to see. If that’s the case, why are they incapable of detecting that I am actively opposed to certain types of content? Maybe they think they’re going to outrage me enough to engage on this bullshit? Nah, I’ll just leave. Bye, fuck-faces.

They also use all those uglified class names so you can’t easily target a class to block. They’re total bastards. The Facebook Purity plugin is hip to all these tricks though. There are some very dedicated and talented developers who have put in a lot of time and creativity to circumvent these assholes.

You’re massively overestimating the conviction of the average internet user. They’ll do whatever they’re told is cool to do, including visiting a site that is nothing but ads.

As soon as one has the audacity to deploy anti-consumer bullshit and the others see there’s no measurable fallback, they all rush to roll out the same shit.

Bye YouTube! It’s been real, and it’s been fun, but it hasn’t been real fun.

I guess you’ve been lucky enough to avoid the seriously disturbed and insane people so far. Some people will latch on to you, follow you all over the internet, and make it their mission to make you miserable. It could be for something totally benign too. Be careful online!

There’s no fucking way. They’ll take your $10 and still sell all your shit.

Fine the fuck out of them! 3% annual revenue per day of violation. That’s the penalty. Hit them hard! Fucking fuckface fuckers!

They expect the automation and a basic faq suffices for whatever problem you have

No they don’t, and they know it doesn’t, they just don’t give a fuck. They’re worth a bajillion dollars and anything else is just chatter to them.

No single individual will beat a corporation as large as Facebook in a court battle. You could have all the evidence in the world and they’ll still beat you in court and destroy your life in the process. It took a massive class action lawsuit to hold them accountable for the Cambridge Analytica case, and the punishment was still pennies to them.

Look at the DuPont case. There was abundant evidence that they were knowingly poisoning the planet, and giving people cancer, and they still managed to drag that case on for 30 years before a judgement. In the end they were fined less than 3% of their profit from a single year. That was their punishment for poisoning 99% of all life on planet earth, knowingly killing factory workers, bribing government agencies, lying, cheating, and just all around being evil fucks. 3% of their profit from a single year.

We’ve suspected they were ignoring our terms for years now, and had hard proof they were ignoring our search operators. There are hundreds of Reddit threads discussing it. But people noticing or not isn’t what would make it clever. Some bullshit executive suggesting they serve whatever is most profitable doesn’t seem clever to me, it seems greedy, hostile, and short sighted. What would be really clever is figuring out how to still give people what they’re looking for, and still increase their income.

Google can get away with it because these manipulations are imperceptible to the user

Dude, it’s blatantly obvious to the user. Idk why they think they’re being clever, but when I search for “Pioneer SC71 user manual” (a home theater amp), and all it shows me are cheap car stereos listings from Walmart and Amazon (with affiliate tracking of course), I know they’re not showing me what I’m looking for. It’s a worthless service for anything except products and heavily filtered news (they only show what aligns with their agenda). I went from totally loving Google, to not when using them anymore. They’re a disease.

That’s really obvious based on how fucking terrible their results are now. Google was the most useful tool in the world for a long time. Now they’re just a really rich spyware farm.

It’s not that shocking. Spyware companies have been doing this stuff since the 90’s, and Google is basically just a really rich spyware company now.

Thanks, guys! I’ll set this up soon.

Yes, I leave it running all the time. So do I just install PiHole as a package on the server and then connect to it to configure?

Is there an alternative to Android Auto that doesn’t share everything with Google?
Do privacy focused phones have such a service? What maps and music apps do they use if such a thing exists?