Meta pauses plans to train AI using European users' data, bowing to regulatory pressure | TechCrunch
Meta has confirmed that it will pause plans to start training its AI systems using data from its users in the European Union and U.K. The move follows

So it’s just a matter of time–gotcha

Only pauses, huh?

The choices are always “accept” and “maybe later”

Gotta let the shareholders know value is only paused. More value will be created once we finish abolishing the remaining rights of EU Citizen’s privacy.

Shareholders are always worried about their value. Gotta pause growth. Can’t stop growth. Growth is infinite. The universe is infinite, and so is the capitalism machine.

This is completely off topic, but does anyone miss the Play Store UI in the article image? Man what a throwback.

It was reading this comment that made me realize that I hardly ever use the play store over f-droid anymore, because off the top of my head I couldn’t tell you what the UI looks like


I like the new UI more in terms of actual visuals, but it unfortunately has come with more ads and more general bullshit. I just use aurora store if I need something from the play store now!

It’s pretty sad the government has to tell a company to not be shitty.

That’s normal and expected. What’s sad is that there are countries with governments who don’t tell companies not to be shitty.


And even sadder is that users choose to still use those companies.

At the end of the day, we all have a choice. This happens to those that allow it. We try to stay safe from burglars, traffic accidents, illness, etc., but choose to still use these companies. That’s a choice, and there are ways to improve our lives, like removing them from our lives.

Don’t forget millions upon millions of low-information, low-empathy voters and non-voters who let it happen, many who still lazily believe that corporations are our friends, that “what’s good for walmart and Exxon is good for 'Murica”, that they are still the client and not the product, and the far-reaching implications of this.

And that is where Meta will be training their AI 😬

Prepare yourself for pro-gun, anti-woman’s rights, weirdo religion, tiny-penis truck, simplified-English AI

📎 “It looks like you’re trying to create a word document. Would you like to destabilise a country full of brown people for profit?”

ah yes because all americans are rednecks


And thus future AIs will have a bias toward having American attitudes because that’s where the data they’re built on comes from. A win for Europe?

Lol, if you mean facebooks AI will skew more towards the views of American Facebook users, I’d say that’s a win for Europe. It will make the AI less valuable, creating a gap in the market for a better AI that can reflect European values or american or both.

AI does not need infinite data. They can easily licence that amount of content. They are just trying to do it cheaply with user content.

I gully expect use for AI training to become a standardized part of locencing for media and content going forwards. For a band or singer, or author, it may be they ibky get a small amoint for using their content but it won’t be stolen. There is minimal value in any one part of the content. There is value in the aggregate of lots of data.

Digitized books out of copyright have more archaic language but I expect we will see lots of media out of copyright being used also. Media organization that make movies, TV shows and publish newspapers and magazines also have a trove of content.

Maybe we’ll all become AI training data and receive universal basic income.


“Bowing to regulatory pressure” is always a weird phrase to me. “Meta decides to follow the law” isn’t catchy enough I guess


Well honestly, that’s too soft. They did not decide. They were pushed by regulators to follow the law. So bowing to pressure is more appropriate in my view.

That’s how I communicate my intention to pay a parking ticket. “Bowing to regulatory pressure”

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