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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 01, 2023


It was reading this comment that made me realize that I hardly ever use the play store over f-droid anymore, because off the top of my head I couldn’t tell you what the UI looks like

mostly same here, with occasionally trying out some chromium based browsers, never understood why Firefox is referred to as an “alternative” by so many people, chrome is the alternative

From the few pictures I’ve seen the screen looks bigger, but the bezels smaller, so it might even out, I hope so

Edit: same physical size but it’s not compatible according to valve

If I didn’t already have one that 1tb one looks great…I wonder if the oled display would work on mine though

Edit: sadly no, the screen won’t work

I never got to try it, but ever sense getting the SteamDeck I’ve really wanted them to come out with a steam controller 2, that has all the inputs of the Deck

The problem is it’s impossible to prove either way, just becouse they haven’t done any extinguishing in over a decade doesn’t mean any of the theoretically positive things they are doing don’t have those intentions, embrace and extend aren’t antithetical to contributing to open source, in fact I would say what they are doing is embracing it pretty well

If not for their history I’d say it’s great! But this is Microsoft we’re talking about, even if they have changed we shouldn’t just assume their intentions are pure

Yes, you can use windows installers on linux, Lutris and bottles provide different UIs for that, some prefer one or the other

There’s also heroic launcher (even for windows iirc) for an alternate launcher for Epic games (amung others)

Personally what I tend to do is use one of those for installation, and run it through steam to play it, there are other ways, but I like the Steam UI and controller customization

Also if you are considering fedora and you want to try it for gaming, I just want to recommend nobara, it’s basically Fedora just with some modifications for gaming

I wasn’t sure how you were installing it, if you were using something like a gog installer lutris for example could handle the installation for you, but sense you have it installed that’s irrelevant

steam runs natively on linux though so no you wouldn’t have to emulate it or anything

Without knowing more I’m not sure about the prefomance though, and I’m not an expert, but if you are dual booting it might have something to do with the file system you are using, I’ve not messed with dual booting before so I can’t be sure, and I wouldn’t know how to fix it either

It occurs to me that if you aren’t installing it through steam it might be slightly more effort becouse you can’t use a windows installer without something to run the .exe, steam should work for that too, but so would something like bottles or Lutris

In the games properties under compatibility first you click a check box that says “force the use of a specific steam play compatibility tool” and then in the drop down below that select proton experimental

What did you play it on before? If steam you just have to change a dropdown and it should just work

If gog or something else you should just add it to steam as a non steam game and change a drop down and it should just work

Agreed, they aren’t a perfect company but a Trojan horse metaphor just doesn’t fit here, closest I could think of is that steam is closed source, but proton isn’t, and they also fund a TON of open source programs, including wine

Oh yeah, forgot to mention that, it seems to happen when I change the volume with the buttons, and as far as I can tell it switches to keyboard/mouse mode and that’s what causes it

I’ve been meaning to look for a mod to fix it, but I’ve been in cyberpunk

Edit: also might want to disable touchscreen in controlls, and I disabled trackpads too

It’s not happenedatt all sense I did that and only changed valume in the menus

As in my previous comment I’m using the latest beta candidate of steamOS and cryoutils, also I use a mod to make it work better on the deck (search steam deck on nexus and you’ll find it)

But with that taken into consideration it runs pretty well mostly, in cities in can still get pretty low (drops to sub 30 in cities sometimes, occasionally lower) but most of the time it runs pretty well

When I’m inside caves or separate rooms (as in had to go through a loading screen to get there) it can even go to a stable 60

And for the record, I beat it and am in NG+, only taking a break to see what the fuss is with this cyberpunk update

At lowest settings it tends to stay above 30, with an average of 40

That’s on the current beta candidate of SteamOS though, with cryoutils

Also had some texture glitches early on but lowering some things fixed it

That’ll never pan out right?

(I say with a Steamdeck in my lap with both starfield and the newest update of cyberpunk installed on it)

I don’t have one but it really annoys me that so many stadia controllers are gonna be ewaste just becouse people didn’t know that they could be converted to Bluetooth mode, but only till the end of 2023

Extremely heavily modded Minecraft, if it’s running well then it’s not modded enough I don’t care how high end it is

Also VR games, but sadly there aren’t enough good new releases and it’s a pain to get it to work on linux so I haven’t tried of late

Ahhhhh, so not SteamOS 3, an older version

Modern SteamOS is based on Arch

Is that perhaps HoloISO? A community made version of SteamOS

Put simply, currently Steam OS doesn’t have the hardware support of your average distro

It would be huge if they did, but most likely they won’t even think about it, this is apple after all

Honestly I’m not totally sure, I’ve heard that it handles sand boxing differently but I don’t know the details

I just know that on occasion I’ve had some windows programs fail to install while using lutris, and I’ve tried bottles and it worked, I probably could still get it to work in lutris if I tried, but It works most of the time in my experience so It’s the first piece of troubleshooting I try

I use Lutris, Bottles, Heroic, and Steam depending

Heroic I use for the regular free game from epic, Steam for steam games, Lutris and Bottles I pretty much use for everything else, starting on one, and if it doesn’t work (as happens sometimes) trying the other

Probably not the most efficient way to do things, but it works for me