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Cake day: Jul 03, 2023


Lol, if you mean facebooks AI will skew more towards the views of American Facebook users, I’d say that’s a win for Europe. It will make the AI less valuable, creating a gap in the market for a better AI that can reflect European values or american or both.

AI does not need infinite data. They can easily licence that amount of content. They are just trying to do it cheaply with user content.

I gully expect use for AI training to become a standardized part of locencing for media and content going forwards. For a band or singer, or author, it may be they ibky get a small amoint for using their content but it won’t be stolen. There is minimal value in any one part of the content. There is value in the aggregate of lots of data.

Digitized books out of copyright have more archaic language but I expect we will see lots of media out of copyright being used also. Media organization that make movies, TV shows and publish newspapers and magazines also have a trove of content.

Depending on private companies for free speech is bad for free speech in and of itself. So either course has negatives, which means the course with leqsr negative outcomes is best. If they over moderate, they lose users. If they undermoderate they face fines. I’m sure the market force will mean they do whatever is most profitable.

Holding social media companies responsible for the content they host is a better solution in my view. We hold newspapers responsible. Why not social media? Yes, moderation is expensive but they are wildly profitable, musk aside.

They don’t need to moderate everything, as the content volume is high, but they certainly could manually moderate all content that reaches a certain threshd. They choose not to and hide behind their users sharing as a reason.

I agree, but I think it is more complex than that. There are limits to free speech already. I agree that no one country should be able to censor others, but what about content that is illegally produced in that country.

So if terrorist training videos were made in Australia, could banning them from distribution mean they could prosecute fitter for distributing them? How about csam? How about China prosecutes for ibfro about Tiananmen. What about CSAM?

So objectively there are things some countries would want banned, but not all. Some that all might agree to ban. Classifying it might help but might that be more of an invasion of privacy? The web is built on lots of open protocols that assume good actors and no malicious intent. We are now adding protocols that increase privacy and security on top. Even something like the fediverse is a good example of the trade off between being public and being anonymous and being private. You can’t have it all.

I’ve heard of people having success.eiyh setting up an account for the family pet and friending their kids and friends before they are old enough to understand the concept of sharing online.allows you to keep tabs on them unobtrusively and can obviously deactivate or defined as appropriate when they age.

Hopefully though, I stead, you’ll teach them how to use privacy controls to not allow you to see, when they are old enough that it’s appropriate.

Then a custom rom, like graphene is allows you to de google your phone. Although google have embedded themselves deeply into android, the pixels are quite open about unlocking boot loader etc.

With a police file number and her address and possibly name being used, she might be able to get the company to give her the ip address. Its not a privacy breach of she’s the customer.

Then that ip address can be matched to an isp to find the user, police would need to do that. Talking to her current lawyer would help.

Edit: :up to ip

While self hosted will obviously be better, you have to balance that with simplicity for non tech users.

We use the paid app tinybeans. Doing it now, I’d consider hosting a stability photos folder.

It’s a shame that it needs to be a smart decide, and can’t just act as a dumb device with an iso.

Perhaps a future build of android will allow it/emulate it/spoof it for this purpose.

As tails is loaded via USB drive and your phone can act as a USB drive,.is it possible for your phone to have tails saved and show it when connected as a USB? It would be handy if you had it and other OS available wherever you went by just plugging in your phone.

Bluetooth connection is a must too, but it doesn’t need to access my contacts. Just as a music player or headset.

Likely an alarm needs to be set every time, a notification of finished load is likely automatic.

Should have used the word direct, but their point stands.

I used to use an android app that shared log ins for public Wi-Fi even with a password to connwct. It was great as it automated the log in screen too, so was usually seamless.

I was going to suggest the same. My understanding is it’s pretty secure but does phone home. The video is not uploaded and phoning home is for remote access and log in. It’s expensive, though unless you’re going to be using the other features.

Logging in makes it easier for them to track you across devices and apps. Do you mean a burner for each time you access it from a link?