Looking for the best FOSS android app for Lemmy.

I just use Jerboa, functional and simple. I use Tusky for Mastodon for the same reason.

I like Thunder

Connect is working great for my needs.

Closed source, though.

Dieguito 🦝

My top choices:

  • Jerboa and Eternity are native Android apps (the first uses modern technologies like Kotlin and Jetpack Compose, the second one has a lot of Java code and the UI is made with XML layouts for activities/fragments);
  • Voyager is portable web app built with React in Typescript, with mobile flavours made using Ionic capacitor;
  • Thunder is a cross-platform app built with Flutter in Dart (like Liftoff and Lemmur were in their days);
  • there are other FOSS apps like Combustibile (native/Java+XML) or Muffed (Flutter)…

I just want one that opens the lemmy links properly when I click on them from within in posts. I have all links selected in open default apps.

Dieguito 🦝

That’s an interesting point… Jerboa should handle Lemmy handles correctly in the form !element@host.

Also hyperlinks in the form of https://host/u/name (or https://host/c/name) are intercepted and opened in app.

I’m not its maintainer but I read its source code and IIRC those cases are handled…

I like Eternity

Voyager is nice and gets updated frequently

Ive only used jebora. Till I saw this one in a few posts. Kinda digging it. Its a tad more “modern” feeling. I guess. Thanks.

No problem. I liked it initially for the modern feeling too and then came to enjoy the gesture based controls

Boost and Voyager

I was using Eternity, then switched to Summit but after learning that the GitHub repo was only to let people use obtainium (so no real source is available), switched back to Jerboa. Now that it has support for moderation tools, I don’t think I need to make a switch atm.

Voyager is absolutely fantastic, even as a PWA. Eternity is very competent too, especially if you are/were an Infinity for Reddit user.

Summit. Solid app.

Summit isn’t FOSS.

Well that sucks. I still prefer it over the other ones I tried. Plus the dev uses Lemmy so that’s always a plus.

Which Lemmy client dev doesn’t have a lemmy account?

I dunno. I just saw the Summit dev talk about Summit so I tried it and really like it.

I also tried and liked it, though I switched back to Jerboa because I would always support the development of an open source app over a closed source app. The summit dev also said that he won’t open source it so I never will use it again.

I wish I had your determination! For me proprietary software is like committing a sin, I know I shouldn’t do it but sometimes it’s stronger than me.



  • for Boost

Jerboa with Dracula theme of course.

Jerboah is the oldest but best.

Voyager has the nice feature to mark posts as read if you scroll past them. Has no way to create posts though.

Sure it does. Click the dots in the upper right corner inside a community.

Ah, thanks! Though not in aggregates.

I dont know is Connect FOSS, but its amazing. I used to be on liftoff, but its not maintained anymore

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