software developer, FOSS enthusiast, 🍕🍝🇮🇹

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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 27, 2023


I wish I had your determination! For me proprietary software is like committing a sin, I know I shouldn’t do it but sometimes it’s stronger than me.

That’s an interesting point… Jerboa should handle Lemmy handles correctly in the form !element@host.

Also hyperlinks in the form of https://host/u/name (or https://host/c/name) are intercepted and opened in app.

I’m not its maintainer but I read its source code and IIRC those cases are handled…

My top choices:

  • Jerboa and Eternity are native Android apps (the first uses modern technologies like Kotlin and Jetpack Compose, the second one has a lot of Java code and the UI is made with XML layouts for activities/fragments);
  • Voyager is portable web app built with React in Typescript, with mobile flavours made using Ionic capacitor;
  • Thunder is a cross-platform app built with Flutter in Dart (like Liftoff and Lemmur were in their days);
  • there are other FOSS apps like Combustibile (native/Java+XML) or Muffed (Flutter)…

It appears that the EU Commission has tried to influence public opinion in countries such as the Netherlands in order to undermine the position of the national government in the EU Council. Such behaviour – especially in combination with illegal micro-targeting – is a serious threat to the EU legislative process and completely contradicts the Commission’s intention to make political advertising more transparent.

This can and should not pass unobserved.