Hello all, I’m relatively new to the realm of self-hosting. Over the past few months, particularly in response to recent events, I’ve been actively advocating for privacy, security, and decentralization. Initially, I began by implementing Nextcloud for my family and friends, and later expanded to include services like Immich, Jellyfin, and more. Recently, I’ve also set up a Tor relay (non-exit to avoid unnecessary attention). I’m looking for suggestions on other projects, tools, or areas to explore that can contribute to enhancing others’ privacy. I appreciate services like a Tor relay because once set up, they can run relatively autonomously. Are there any similar services that others can benefit from without requiring consistent direct input from me? I’ve got a few spare Gigabit lines and ~20TB of free space I can spare for the greater good.

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You can run a monero node, tor relay/bridge, etc.


Already running a monero Node in two locations along with a Tor Relay on the one that allows it :D

Nice :)

Monero node, i2p instance.


You can run a public SyncThing relay, which will help people with devices that aren’t publicly accessible on the internet connect with each other and synchronize files 😊

A i2p or i2pd router

end to end encrypted file sharing server, Send: https://github.com/timvisee/send-instances/

jitsi conference room server, or matrix chat server.

you could run an Oxen node for the Session onion messenger, or a relay for the SimpleX messenger. these are especially important things we need to reduce decentralized messenger dependence.

PrivateBin (pastebin) instance

As the others have said, a Google (search engine) replacement will have the most “privacy returns”. Take a look at whoogle and searx, or if you can mak them switch to another search engine like duckduckgo

The greater good

You could do a SearxNG instance https://searx.space/


This is the first I’ve heard searXNG. This is really cool!


Yes agreed I have been looking for a new search engine I was using something like 4get or something but it wanted me to do a captcha every day.


I can second this. I have SearxNG running in a docker container by itself and it requires no real maintenance of any kind. I do have a cron job that updates the docker container once per day, but it ran for ages on the same version without issues.


Is this a Tor Exit type situation? Where my IP will be flagged with whatever someone is searching? If not this looks incredibly easy to set up!

I guess you can self-host privacy respecting front-ends like Piped, LibReddit, Invidious, etc.

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A place to discuss privacy and freedom in the digital world.

Privacy has become a very important issue in modern society, with companies and governments constantly abusing their power, more and more people are waking up to the importance of digital privacy.

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