If no free alternative exists, then arrgg! 🦜🏴‍☠️

Firefox, KDE Plasma and GNU/Linux lover and user forever! 🐧🦊

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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 30, 2023


Care to share your website url? I get interested on it.

Some emails that came in looked as if they came from vulnerable people themselves, asking for help. It may be that they haven’t received or understood the message to update their address book.

I did not interfere with any of the e-mails, as this would go beyond the objectives of this investigation, but it is concerning, to say the least, that these individuals will never receive a reply. They would not have received a response anyway, but it makes me wonder how many cries for help get lost in abandoned e-mail inboxes.

This honestly depressed me, I know firsthand many people who need help from someone who has more or less knowledge to understand something as simple as the migration of a service or an email, it is really depressing not only to know that this happens, but also that There are people who are such bastards that take advantage of this.

Could someone explain to me how the author gained access to “I forgot my password” accounts that were not his but were in his domain? I mean, I understand that it’s on his domain, but just because I have the domain mydomain@domain.com does that mean I can redirect all emails to the main domain? Excuse the dumb question.

Edit: Thanks for the clarification! Now I understand!

I know this is a bit offtopic, but on e621(warning: furry site) there is a userscript called Re621 that in the absence of a ‘subscription’ system allows you to subscribe and creates a kind of notification within the page that notifies you when an artist you subscribed to uploads new art, without the need for an account. Something like this would be ABSOLUTELY GREAT if it existed for Youtube, because I could just export my subscriptions and that’s it, if I format my PC I don’t lose my recommendations.

Since I can’t really help and I don’t know if something like this exists for Youtube, I wish it does because I also use Youtube without an account, but something I can suggest you is to use some instance of Piped and create an account (not related to Youtube, it only exists inside the instance) to be able to subscribe and save playlists, but only that in your case, because you will lose the personalized recommendations, you can also use FreeTube and subscribe locally to your favorite content creators there and export it as a backup so that if you were to format your PC, you can remember the names of the content creators to which you were subscribed.

It may sound silly, but for a lot of people being unable to play games like Valorant, Warzone or League of Legends it’s actually a feature and not a bug or a problem.

Mozilla Relay is phone number + mail protection, although it is worth almost $50 the annual subscription.

I guess you can self-host privacy respecting front-ends like Piped, LibReddit, Invidious, etc.

That’s an interesting point of view and I will take it into account, but why not use my new Google account in Aurora?

I sincerely consider that it would be permanent and without notice, because again, that’s Google and that’s how companies like Google work.

I will definitely get a spare account, thanks.

Believe me, I also say Fuck Google, and I don’t want to get into it but there are certain apps that I download from unofficial sources (🏴‍☠️) and I really like them and consider that they deserve my money, and the only way I have is to pay for them in the Google Playstore.

I guess this is the way, I really don’t want to lose my secondary account. Thanks.

Am I running the risk of getting my Google account banned for logging into the Aurora Store or a cus
I guess there is no need to introduce what a Degoogled phone is (or a custom ROM without google services, like GrapheneOS is) and the Aurora Store is basically said in a crude way the Google Playstore but without the need to log in to your Google account, quite useful in my opinion. At first, what really concerns me is to run the risk of violating Google's TOS by logging in with my Google account on the Aurora Store to access my purchased apps, but at the same time I think, since Android is Google's operating system, can't they also retaliate against people using a modified version of their OS? And I know that sounds especially stupid when your phone is your phone and not Google's, but we all know how companies like Google work. I don't use Google services on my device, but I do use it as a secondary email that I don't want to lose, hence the question, I know I can create another email but I don't want to have so many email accounts.

Genuine question, what do you mean by ¨seo-shit" from Brave Search?

My migration to Firefox and starting to use uBlock, definitely the best decisions I’ve made.

Pehaps the user (or in this case the bot) will not go directly to your website, but first to some method of captcha verification or something like that, or like those pages (SteamDB for example) that do not open directly but first open a blank page to verify your network and browser with a captcha.

I don’t know if you’re asking because of my recent post on fdroid@lemmy.ml, but if you’re worried that someone might put a virus or some kind of remote hack into your device, you have nothing to worry about or shouldn’t, as I said in a response to the post, unless you are connected to dubious or public WiFi where anyone can run adb, no one can do anything to you and I say this because at least on my device, my device only activates debugger mode if it is connected specifically to a network that I, the user, identify as safe, otherwise it cannot be activated.

Short Answer: No, you have nothing to worry about, just don’t tell your phone that any public network is trusty unless you’re connected to a VPN.

I used to do exactly that a long time ago with Syncthing and it was as simple as you say, but it always broke something, but after a while it was literally impossible to do and after some research on Joplin’s Github issues I found out that due to a change Google made in the Android storage system it was no longer possible and “they were investigating how to fix it”.

In the end I got tired of waiting and pay a cheap Nextcloud hosting to sync with webdav and that’s it.

That’s true but I don’t translate anything especially critical, but it’s works great when DeepL no longer lets you translate more after getting over their daily limit.

And even though they have my text, they don’t know where it really comes from because it comes from a proxy. (Although this makes me thing: Now the proxy maintainer have my text?)

Very interesting, I’ve been looking for a long time for DeepL front-end, which is a very good translator! Thanks for sharing OP.

Looks interesting! I was waiting for FastForward to hit the Mozilla addon store again to add it to my collection but this looks like a good alternative. Thanks for sharing!

Also for those who are interested there is a very useful option to open links in incognito mode!

As far as I remember, Fennec is a normal Firefox but without the telemetry, and that’s it.

I’ll be honest, the only way to listen to music privately is to download it. (And using an opensource music player)

There are Github repositories with CLI programs to download complete Spotify playlists with Youtube and also download their metadata.

Personally I consider the best alternative is Spotify, and I know, it’s a telemetry and tracker nightmare but you don’t necessarily need to create an account using your main email, you can use a temporary email exclusively for your spotify account.

Personally, I used ViMusic and Moosync for a long time but then I really considered that at the end of the day I’m depending on Google and I’m giving my information to Google even though I’m using a front-end, which is not even a proxy, it’s Google.

In this case I consider that fragmentation is better, Spotify can’t recognize me from other services and I give less information to Google.

In case anyone is interested in an alternative, I personally use LanguageTool because it is open source and works very well.