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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 05, 2023


That’s actually crazy… I have had an Instagram since like the start but have no posts on my account. I guess I have a pfp but that’s it. I also don’t really get on it.

This is probably an unpopular opinion especially on this sub and something that will probably never happen realistically with the way the world is going but it is an extremely cool feature. If this was not done by companys that already harvest data etc and was as private as something like this can be such as your device communication to another device has a uuid that does not tie back to “you” if that makes sense or something not sure. Because there are some use cases that could be extremely good such as the one comment here about stalkers etc.

I did not know gamescope was a flatpak… For me gamescope did not do anything after installaling for like 2 hours of troubleshooting why it was not installing. I’m also on mint

Thanks for your detailed response. I did discover that my GPU load (etc 3080) was maxing out witch is the normal for windows aswell it’s just weird that I get like half the fps for the same amount of work. I don’t really play halo Infinite as much anymore and when I do I just decide to boot windows. I’m not exactly experienced in Linux or what to try to change to make it work better. I do plan on sometime upgrading to a newer os to try a newer Nvidia driver to see if that fixes it or makes it better. I do believe I have mouse acceleration off in my OS unless there are multiple ways to have it turned on.

Thanks again :)

Halo infinite on Linux
cross-posted from: https://lemmy.zip/post/12119895 > I have been using Linux to game now mostly for around 1-2 months and halo infinite runs but runs like crap compared to win 11. When I run the game on windows I get 144 fps almost constantly on Linux I get 70-80. I am new to this and not sure what to tweak or change to get it to run better if anything. I play via steam using proton experimental. The mouse movement also feels off like I have mouse acceleration on or input lag. > > Other games I have played have ran just as well on Linux as windows. > > Edit: OS is Linux mint > > Thanks

I remember playing this awhile ago it’s actually pretty solid from what I remember.

Yea so I tried nobara and to be honest unless I’m stupid it sucked… Constant graphical issues no matter the application(I could not play halo Infinite it started I old load game but then it would break). So I then put on mint after a day and downloaded Nvidia drivers through there GUI and then wine (not entirely sure what it does to be honest) and tried some games all worked great/well.

This might be my misunderstanding but when you say mainstream distribution what do you mean. My understanding is mint is built on Ubuntu similar to how nobara is built on fedora. So for example if something broke or I wanted to something on mint I can follow Ubuntu instructions (kind of) and follow fedora for nobara? Sorry if this is dumb question

I actually just found that on there page thanks :)

Won’t I have to install Nvidia drivers? This is my big concern if I’m being frank (I have a Nvidia card)

Thanks looking into it first on your list is mint I have heard alot of good things about this one might give it a go.

As a first time Linux user pretty much what should I use for gaming.
I have heard good things about [nobara](https://nobaraproject.org/download-nobara/). I don't mind doing a little thinkering to have things work but I also don't want to spend hours doing recharch on how to fix things. Edit: thanks for giving input everyone. I will try Linux mint and if it does not go well will give nobara a go instead. Edit part two I had to boot mint in compatibility mode because I got black screen for like 15+ minutes and then I couldn't get it to see more than one monitor and 3 hours later gave up....Just put on nobara will load mint to my laptop and try to learn more because I want to but also tryna game :) you will hear more from me

I’m guessing they signed that dotted line by making an account.

Yes agreed I have been looking for a new search engine I was using something like 4get or something but it wanted me to do a captcha every day.

Yes a debloater would be helpful probably. Just disappointing as part of the reason I went with the pixel was this option but now it’s not one.

How to de google or create a more private experience with pixel 8
So recently bought the Pixel 8 with my previous carrier being Verizon and was going to put Grapheneos on it but I had no idea that Verizon locks the boot loaders of their devices even though google does not. What are some things I can do to de google the device or make it more private like Grapheneos would. Or am I out of luck. Thanks

Since your comment is recent. Do you know if I do this does it void insurance on the phone if I break it beyond repair. EX drop a weight on it (from experience). I read it voids warrentys but what about insurance? And if you do it to a phone and return/trade in that phone going from p6 to p8 is that acceptable. If you dont know all is well thanks

Never liked Android auto anyway :) was always annoying for me.

Hey I am planning on putting graphenos (or another os) on my pixel (currently using a pixel 6 but will have a pixel 8 shortly). I have a few questions about using then new os. Mainly are there any apps that don't work. I use my phone for work being a OTP to logine daily etc is that still possible and reliable. There is one game I play on phone downloaded from the play store is that still possible? Lastly how do updates come can I download an update regularly from phone or do I have to plug into PC each time and know there is an update ready and how would you revert back to Google os if needed. Sorry if that is a lot I just feel scared to take the "leap" into what is for me unknown. Thanks

Thanks for clearing everything up along of other threads always just said he was homophobic and that’s the only reason to not use brave.

I have had good luck with squawker it broke awhile ago but works as of right now.

If I’m being honest the switch from Reddit to Lemmy and this instance…

This. I wish there was a front end that was easy to use like nitter or squawker for Twitter.

OK, great I will probably set up the self host thing later but will use the non self hosted version first. Thanks :)

I’m looking into this not the first time I heard of it. Do I have to self host. Do I host it on the machine I want to remote into?

Best RDP options for privacy
What are some of the best options for RDP. preferred if there is an mobile option (using phone to remote into pc).

Aight I’ll give it a look I never even looked for more than one client.

I have been using keepass2android from the play store… Is that not good?