• 8 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Aug 31, 2023


Looks nice, I’ll try it!

I’m already building the website ;)

It’s private if you give email alias and pay with crypto or prepaid cards.

Yep, its how it is. I converted my family from Viber to Signal, but whole my class… Thats maybe too much.

I did and every other search engine is slower than google which is very important to me. But when I tried Kagi it was so quick, even faster than Google.

Thanks for advice! If I upgrade to proton unlimited for next 2 years I get 500gb of cloud storage and (imo) a little worse but still great VPN for 3,5$ less per month.

Do I have unlimited aliases on Proton Pass or also on SimpleLogin? You can login to simplelogin using proton account.

I have 15 days left on MullvadVPN and maybe 2 months on SimpleLogin. I’ll upgrade next month.

Yes I did but it was too complex for me at the time. Maybe I’ll give it a second go.

I know but it’s way better than Google.

I have a 3d printer and linux. The only good 3d modelling software I found is OnShape which is online.

My Privacy Setup
Hi! 2 and 4 months ago [@Hellfire103 ](https://monero.town/u/hellfire103@lemmy.ca) and [@Charger8232 ](https://monero.town/u/Charger8232@lemmy.ml) made a post about their privacy setup. So I though I would also share mine. # Remember these rules: - **Be respectful!** Some people are early on in their privacy journey, or have a lax threat model. Just because it doesn’t align with yours, or uses some anti-privacy software, doesn’t mean you can downvote them! Help them improve by giving suggestions on alternatives. - **Don’t promote proprietary software!** Proprietary software, no matter how good it may seem, is against the community rules, and generally frowned upon. If you aren’t sure, you can always ask! This is a place to learn. Don’t downvote people just because they don’t know! -** Don’t focus solely on me!** I want to mention that this thread is not designed to pick apart only my setup. The point is to contribute your own and help others. That doesn’t mean you can’t still give suggestions for mine, but don’t prioritize mine over another. - **Be polite!** This falls under “Be respectful”, but be kind to everyone! Say please, thank you, and sorry. Lemmy is really good about this, but there will always be someone. # Here is my setup: **Web browsing** - I use Librewolf for almost everything. - For 3D stuff (games, 3d modelling) I use Brave. - On mobile I use Vanadium. - My preferred search engine is Kagi. - Most if the time I have MullvadVPN enabled. **Desktop and laptop** - I have self-build Ryzen + Radeon PC and Ideapad with Ryzen CPU. - I use Arch Linux BTW! - I have disk encryption and Nitrokey as a decryption key (or a long password of course). - I have secure boot with locked BIOS. - I'm running self-compiled linux-hardened kernel. - I'm using Gnome (Wayland). - I have only open-source apps installed. **Mobile** - I have Google Pixel 7a with GrapheneOS. - I have different 5 profiles: main, google, school, finance, anonymous. - I have PIN on every profile and also fingerprint for main and school profiles. - I always use VPN, either Mullvad or self-hosted Wireguard. - I don’t use a privacy screen protector (for now). **Messenger** - Signal for my family. - Viber for my schoolmates. - MS Teams for school. - Matrix for help with some open-source projects. - Discord for voice chat and local scouts group. I have Aliucord on mobile and Armcord on desktop. **Online accounts** - Passwords are safe in self-hosted Bitwarden (Vaultwarden). - I use 2FA if I can. Either hardware 2FA - Nitrokey, or TOTP with Aegis. - I use SimpleLogin for email aliases and randomly generated usernames and passwords. **Video streaming** - I watch only Youtube. Newpipe on mobile and Invidious on desktop. **AI** - I do not use AI a lot, but if I do I use locally running LLama3 8B or Duckduckgo's LLama3 70B **Social Media** - I had Instagram, Snapchat and Viber accounts, but I've deleted them. - I use only Lemmy on clearweb and Dread on darkweb. - I have Mastodon account, but I don't use it. **Email** - I use ProtonMail. - One of the best privacy things you can do is use SimpleLogin (or other email alias service). **Shopping/Finance** - IRL I use cash most of the time. - Online I use Monero if I can, otherwise just my credit card. - Cashew app for helping managing my purchases. **Music streaming** - I use only RiMusic on my phone, that's it. **TV shows** - I use a VPN, that's all I'm gonna say... **Gaming** - Minecraft, Veloren, SuperTuxKart, and some Steam games. **Programming** - I forgot how to code in Python, because Rust is so much better. - VS Codium. **Productivity** - LibreOffice for simple stuff. - Typst for proper documents. **Paid services** - ProtonMail - 4$ per month - SimpleLogin - 30$ per year - MullvadVPN - 5$ per month - Kagi - 10$ per month. For 5$ you get 300 searches, I use ~350 searches so I will try to lower my searches. - Domain - 13$ per year **Self-hosted** - Everything runs on Raspberry Pi 4 with encrypted micro SD card. - Pi-Hole for blocking ads on network level. - Bitwarden (Vaultwarden) for storing all my passwords. - Wireguard server (with pihole as DNS) for connecting back home from anywhere. - Ntfy for self-hosted push notifications. - MollySocket for Signal push notifications. - FindMyDevice if I lost my phone. - Cloudflare DDNS, because I don't have static IP. - Nginx Proxy Manager. - Watchtower automatically updates docker containers. - My website. **Misc** - I have Samsung Galaxy Watch 4 classic. I'm trying to do something about it... - I'm using Syncthing to sync documents and pictures between my devices. - I don't have a car (because I can't - I'm 17) and I won't have one for quite some time. I have a bicycle and my parents have 2 (smart/spy) cars. - I'm into crypto (mostly XMR) and I'm trading a little (making a trading bot) on MEXC. I also have Ledger Nano S Plus. - I have a 3d printer and it's fun and usefull :) # TODO - self-host Git repos for my projects. - Buy a privacy screen protector when I break my current one. - Buy a faraday bag, just in case. - Do something about my spywatch (maybe sell). - Make backups... Yep, I don't have any yet. - Monitor and harden all my devices. - Memorize cryptowallet's private key in case it gets lost. Thanks for reading!

Use Galaxy Watch without Google?
I have Galaxy Watch 4 and Pixel with GrapheneOS. Currently I have second profile with galaxy wearable and google play services for connecting to the watch. Before I've installed graphene I was using my watch as any other person, for notifications, sports, etc. Now I use it only for checking what time is it and developing apps. I can see my sports activity only for a week back, because samsung health only works on main profile. Is there a way for me to use my watch on main profile without google and samsung apps? Maybe with some alternative app? Or should I sold my watch and buy a new one? I've heard good things about garmin and polaris? I would love option to develop my own apps on them.

This seems great, I’ll defenetly try it out.

I’m using Nitrokey for 2FA if I can otherwise I use Aegis for TOTP.

Hi, do you maybe know any similar apps like ACCA that do not require root?

You can use Armcord or other Discord client which is for sure better than the offical.

Actualy the malware somehow deleted windows defender and disabled automatic updates. I install MalwareBytes and run full scan and removed it.

Oh it’s paid… I would rather install Linux, I don’t pay even for Windows.

Thank you for the link, it will help for sure!

I (not me but my family) always used just default Windows Defender but I heard good things about Malware bytes and BitDefender, I’ll checked them out.

Yes it does but I haven’t checked whichones do end whichones don’t. But half of them do, thats important.

I’ll clean all USB sticks the house, just to be sure.

I found a worm on my USB
This is probably not the right community but I haven't found a better one. So I watched a video from Seytonic where he mentiond that some malware creates a windows link with the name of the usb on a usb. So I checked my usb because I remembered that I had to click 2 times on my usb to opened it. I found a link that contained cmd.exe and a name of a file next to it. Upload to the virustotal showed Raspberry Roblin worm. I use Linux but my familly uses windows so I will have to go through all familly computers and remove the worm. Where can I find info how to remove this specific worm - Raspberry Roblin? On google I found a description about how the worm works but not specific files it creates and how to remove it. The first page that shows up is microsoft.com and it says that windows defender detects the worm, but clearly it doesnt. Edit: The worm was on one computer and it did not have windows defender installed. Seems like malware removed it and also disabled automatic updates. I installed MalwareBytes and sucessfully removed the worm :)

Voyager is way more popular, but I don’t like it’s iOS-like UI, so I went with Thunder

I’ve used it a few times and it’s great!

I wanted to check out if that is true… and it is. Then I clicked on Simple Calendar > Trackers…

Interesting, I thought Chromite was just for Android

Best browsers for 3D stuff like games and CADs are chromium based.

I generally use Librewolf (Firefox fork) but for gaming and 3d modeling use Brave. I think it’s tge best chromium based browser.

I use MEXC and CoinEx. They have KYC, but it’s optional.

That is just in EU right? So Switzerland (in the center of Europe) won’t have that? Interesting…

I’m sure it will be and I’m also sure Apple will do EVERYTHING to make it almost imposible to do that. They may also block users from using their iPhones if they discover that they are set to EU, but they are actually not in EU.

72%. And I use the top software recommendation for 5 out of 7 services, one was a little more down and I don’t use the last one.

From worst to best places to store your crypto:

  1. Online KYC exchange
  2. Online non KYC exchange
  3. Offline on your computer/phone
  4. Offline on a USB key/SD card
  5. Offline on a cold storage like Ledger or Trezor

You can run a monero node, tor relay/bridge, etc.

2 things:

  1. A nickname: on every online account I set a nickname and not my real name. If you google name you get 2 results from same site about some competition. If you google my nickname you get 2 pages of my stuff.

  2. Switch from Google (to GrapheneOS, ProtpnMail, etc.)

I did, most of them are used for AI or business search engines. I copied everything except Yandex.

Nice, thats what I am looking for!

Nice idea, but a lot of random text that user doean’t see would slow down the website.

I can block search engine crawlers from specific paths so that should be solved.

Good idea. I will made a invisible link to “traps for bots”. One trap will show random text, one will be redirect loop and one would be random link generator that will link to itself. I will also make every response randomly slow, for example 0,5 to 1,5 seconds.

Good thing is that I can also block search engine crawlers from accessing only the traps.

Block AI bots from your website
Hi, I'm building a personal website and I don't want it to be used to train AI. In my `robots.txt` file I blocked: - ChatGPT-User - GPTBot - Google-Extended - FacebookBot What bots should I also add? Are there any other ways to block AI bots? IMPORTANT: I don't want to block search engine crawlers, only bots that are used to train AI.

Where to buy domain for your personal website?
Hi, I'm thinking of building a personal website about tech, privacy, open source, etc. Any recommendations about where can I buy domain? .com is taken, but everything else is not. Shuld I take .tech (few dolars more expensive) or something more basic?

Pi-Hole vs AdGuard vs NextDNS
I use Pi-Hole and works great. I've heard about AdGuard and seems the same thing as PiHole, but you have to install an app/extension. Everyone in this community recommend NextDNS. Whats the difference between them?

I know, I use GrapheneOS with 6 profiles (only 2 have Google services), but some apps like Android Auto require tight integration with OS which is not possible with GrapheneOS. I thought GPay was one of them.

Great! Another Google phone without Google. Sounds terribe but it’s the best phone you can currently have.

I thought GPay doesn’t work on GOS. Personally I never checked because I don’t use GPay.

I just discovered this amazing app! It lets you remove (or just disable) preinstalled apps like Facebook, Netflix, etc. and system apps like samsung knox apps, diagnostic, bixby, and even One UI (but you must have installed other launcher). You can’t brick your device, worst case it falls into a boot loop and after 5 reboots it will factory reset. Debloating your device will make it faster, more private and more secure (less atack surface).

My privacy journey and privacy questions
**Online privacy**: Best privacy related thing I've done is use a nickname. If I search my real name on Google, only two results show up (and my Instagram, but I deleted it) from the same site, my place in some school competition. That's it! But if I search my made-up nickname... Github, Gitlab, Reddit, StackOverflow, LocalMonero, fucking SuperTuxKart and A LOT MORE related results - basically my whole internet life. I stared using randomly generated username for each account in case my name is somehow leaked from my nickname account. A month ago I also bought Pixel 7a and installed GrapheneOS as my daily driver. Separate accounts are AWESOME. I have account for personal use (family, photos, friends, etc.), (not basic) internet use (Lemmy, podcasts, torrenting, youtube/newpipe, etc.), google apps (maps, drive, galaxy wearable, etc.), finances (banking app, Paypal, crypto wallets, etc.), school apps (teams & ms office, Canva, etc.), and anonymous account (Tor, OnionShare, Session, Briar, etc.). On personal profile I have "always on" VPN to my house, so anywhere I am, apps think I'm home and it's useful for public Wi-Fi-s. On the internet profile I have "always on" MullvadVPN. On anonymous profile I have "always I use self-hosted Bitwarden. Can this de-anonymous me on the internet profile, because traffic from Bitwarden goes to my home, or will this know only Mullvad (that already knows my home IP, because it has to)? I also switched to ProtonMail, LibreWolf, and Startpage. I self-host Nextcloud, Syncthing, Monero node, Pi-Hole, etc. Recently I started deleting all my accounts that I don't use anymore. Now I'm pretty happy about my anonymity online. **Physical privacy** & security: I weak ago I got a RFID blocking wallet. I bought it in a store where I am signed in for news and sales, and I also get a lot of cheaper things because of it. But they basically track everything I buy, where and when. And that is with all stores if you have the stores card (I only have one, because parents pay for everything currently). Does anyone know if this stores share data between each other or with someone else? I live in Europe, I know we have better privacy laws than US but it's still bad, right? I am also joined in club of students in my city - cheaper movies, skiing, tickets, etc. Is that also a privacy concern? **Payments**: For privacy reasons only pay in cash, I know. What about if there is no cash option? I've heard of prepaid debit cards, but they only work in US. Is there any way for private payments in Europe? If not would something like Revolut be more private than traditional banks? For online payments I can buy prepaid debit cards for US services in XMR. And for not US services like ProtonMail? Is there something like privacy.com (with virtual cards) in Europe? Thank you for all comments :)