Hey guys,

I am looking for a new email provider as I am still using gmail and like to get that removed finally. I am currently looking at Tuta and proton. I would be using it mainly for email and the Calendar. most other things I am self hosting but email in particular is not something I like to self host.

Proton being hosted in Switzerland and Tuta being hosted from Germany I think Proton has a edge over Tuta in that regard although I am not very familiar with both country’s privacy laws.

Also how do they compare to each other regarding flexibility in creating email filters and folders. I believe proton hat some restrictions on the amount of email filters if i am not mistaken.

And lastly can you get calendar invites with these email providers? If I like the email provider i might move the business email to one of the providers as well but seeing we get like calendar invites which works fine with outlook. I dont know if this works with the email clients of proton or Tuta.

Also if their is a better email provider i am open to suggestions.

EDIT: Thanks guys! Got many great answers. i think I will get my own domain and try them out both for a while.


I’d be careful of Tuta. It’s been stated to be a honeypot run by an unnamed western intelligence agency.https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=38263621

Recently there was a criminal trial of a 5 eyes spook in Canada. There it was alleged that Tutanota was a intelligence resource. https://www.computerweekly.com/news/366559333/Encrypted-mail-service-Tuta-says-it-was-wrongly-accused-of-being-a-front-for-intelligence-services

Well proton has been accused of being a honeypot as well.


Well proton has been accused of being a honeypot as well

Do you have a news source for this allegation?

Just search protonmail honeypot and you get many results. I am not saying it is true. Just saying because a company gets accused of something doesn’t make it true.


The person you are talking to also believes the narratives that Russia spins about their invasion into Ukraine, so the don’t have very sound epistemology to begin with, unfortunately.

Is there any evidence of them being a honeypot? It sounds like that claim was made by someone under trial who might be trying to take the heat off themselves


Not that I know of. If your privacy is important, do you take the chance? I wouldn’t, but it’s up to the individual user to decide. 🤷🏻‍♂️

Proton is a government honeypot.

Are you gonna take the chance now that there are allegations against proton?


Are you gonna take the chance now that there are allegations against proton?

AFAIK, Proton hasn’t been implicated in any criminal trial involving the Deep State. Do you have some information that the rest of us don’t, or did this allegation come to you in a dreamstate?


The epistemic status of that person saying it vs me is not all that different, neither of us have evidence to present



You should not be using any kind of digital communication for criminal activities. OP, if your only goal is to prevent companies from scanning all of your personal life to show you tailored ads, then either is will be fine. I do prefer Proton though, as their products are more complete


I use and prefer Proton as well.

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