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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 25, 2023


Yes there m illegal things on social media, but they are not public group chats with hundreds of people in them sharing info on how to do x crime better. What you will mostly see on Instagram etc when it’s about illegal stuff are links to those telegram channels. And yes meta/everyone else should definitely do better at moderatibg their platforms.

Telegram isn’t in trouble because they are a ““private”” messenger because 1) they aren’t and 2) they basically asked for it. They are hosting pirates, drug dealers and scammers and they refuse government requests for the data they have about the user. That is the issue: not complying with data requests. For example, signal, a truly secure messenger, will comply with data requests and will send the authorities everything they have about a user, which is really not that much to begin with. This whole Telegram story is absolutely unrelated to chat control

All of the illegal stuff like that that I’ve seen around on social media always linked to telegram channels. Most of the time what you see on regular social media are bots advertising the telegram channels, where the real people are at

I simply think that until now (maybe they will start tomorrow), the PR and lawsuit risk of listening to people is too high, for the benefit they would get out of it. Much simpler metrics are enough for them to get a very good profile of the user. Voice data isn’t like in the test scenarios where the person will repeat 45x the word cat food, people talk about the weather and about gas prices which is pretty useless for creating an ad profile if you ask me. But the scary part is now with AI models and on device AI everything, local processing of the mic data into topics that then get sent to their servers is more concerning is not much more feasible.

And for the lawsuits I am not sure they could write it off as a bug everywhere other than the us and Canada because there are actually normal laws in most other countries

They are certainly very creepy but I doubt companies like Google or Meta even need this kind of data from a third party. If they truly wanted to have mic access, they could for a long time, and it would have been known. The reality is it is too expensive and risky to run this kind of spying, and I don’t think the benefit is worth the risk to them. To me this screams “SCAMMERS”.

Proton Pass or Bitwarden are both very good options. Here is my breakdown of their pros and cons:

Pros of Proton Pass over bitwarden

  • Much better UI/UX (in terms of looks and ease to navigate)
  • The app is feels much faster than Bitwarden’s, maybe its not objectively, but it feels lightyears ahead in terms of speed
  • Possibility for separate email and username fields
  • more seamless integration with simplelogin aliases than what Bitwarden has
  • TOTP is available in the free version

Cons of proton pass compared with bitwarden:

  • No “Identity” item type (vault item where you can store info about yourself like your SSN etc.)
  • No payment card autofill
  • Can only register the “generic” 6-digit type of TOTP (Steam guard TOTP didn’t work when I tried it)
  • No custom fields that auto-fill on the web page
  • less settings in general, for example, you can’t decide of the hashing algorithm of your account’s password, and you can’t tweak the hashing parameters
  • more expensive
  • less “Foss”: the server code is not published and there are no 3rd party servers like vaultwarden

If you want to be extra safe I guess the best way would be to use the web version of Instagram with ublock origin installed. If you can find a way to use Firefox containers on Android as well it could really restrict what they can access.

Yeah I guess torrents would be the closest thing to federated video, but seeing the download speed of most torrents that I find even ones with many seeds, it is often balls slow

Very unlikely to happen, it’s way too expensive or demanding to run at a significant scale and it would probably end up with a single monolithic instance

JMP supports SIP, so that could be worth looking into, because I don’t think call forwarding services exist for xmpp to sim, but sip to sim probably exists. You might also want to cross post this to the sopranica community on lemmy


Maybe your flip phone has support for an XMPP client, I don’t think there’s a single os without an xmpp client, but you may need to jailbreak it

I think it’s fine because the recording is not saved unless you explicitly tell it to save. If it’s anything like Nvidia’s shadow play, you set an amount of time, say 5 minutes that it keeps in memory, and when you save the clip, it simply saves that file containing the last 5 minutes.

I have seen reports of Firefox crashing under Wayland and that the way to make it work was to disable Wayland in Firefox or iirc to add a kernel parameter. Maybe it was fixed in Firefox too, but I saw some people saying the flatpak was somehow now affected (?)

Oh, I hear there are some pretty major issues with Firefox and explicit sync on Wayland. Does anyone know if fedora will have patches to make sure everything works fine when it releases to rpmfusion? If not then I might wait a bit…

You should not be using any kind of digital communication for criminal activities. OP, if your only goal is to prevent companies from scanning all of your personal life to show you tailored ads, then either is will be fine. I do prefer Proton though, as their products are more complete

Oh, interesting, thanks!

Finally an option that is not just a dumb keyboard, this one has some local llms and local speech to text, so that’s pretty cool. Currently there’s no multilingual mode and I can’t find a way to adjust the height, but once these features are there I’ll happily switch.

LPCAMM2 just got released into as a solution to fast and efficient RAM being soldered on, and now they just said soldered RAM is not sufficient anymore… I’m not happy about this, repairability is important and all those companies pretend to support it while pulling stuff like this at the same time.

It’s in Microsoft’s best interest right now to keep Linux slightly popular, because it helps them fight off antitrust cases

Y’all are crazy to think businesses won’t just switch it off and will instead completely switch operating systems. Linux is too much trouble for large fleets as the tools to manage them aren’t as powerful as they are for windows iirc. Linux is also not ready for full businesses use aside from IT people and some very simple tasks, still too many hiccups when using and lacking software

I am not sure I understand everything about NVK, is it supposed to be a replacement to the Nvidia proprietary drivers? Is it supposed to complement nouveau?

I don’t think facebook shares much data to other companies, they have more to gain by keeping it to themselves and having all the data to serve their billions of users personnalized ads. Basically the same as Google, they don’t really sell your data. For these companies I never really liked the phrase that says you are the product, youre not really the product, you are what makes their product. If a company sold your data plainly, then yes in thsi case you are the product

They do value your privacy very expensively!

Idk for most people, but the reason I use proton mail is to avoid google parsing everything I receive to send me ads. I “have nothing to hide” on a legal pov, I’m not a criminal, the worst offence I do is like Jay walking or crossing at a red light on foot when there is no one at midnight. I don’t use proton services to protect myself from the law (or in other words to avoid the consequences of my acts), I just want to be a customer instead of a product.

That would involve cutting 0.001% of the road budgets… Nope!!

Reposting my other comment from another thread:

How invasive do you have to be to ask your users to install a Kernel driver just for a stupid anti cheat that will still get bypassed within a week… like… I only see negative points with this. Cheaters still exist on Valorant and they won’t go away any time soon. Even if one day they ask you to change your CPU to an anti cheat approved one, it will still get bypassed.

These Kernel anti cheats are useless because they run on the client side. As a developer, anything that doesn’t run on your computers is out of your control.

Which raises the point, why don’t they just improve their server side cheat detection? Something like sending the mouse movement data + accuracy etc. in between each round and scan it. If it comes out positive then have the community review the footage. CSGO does this very well IMO. Especially since now we have AI and people have made pretty good cheat analysis models for server side anti cheats

Same here, I simply can’t go back to X11 especially after the smoothness of everything and after trying the gestures in gnome, my workflow is kind of dependent on gestures now

Maybe it’s a problem with RDNA2 iGPUs then, because I am on 6.5 and I still get freezes and crashes and artifacts

Omg I thought I was the only one with this issue, constant playback freezes, sometimes if I watch too much video accelerated content whole system crashes, and after a while with or without accelerated content I get weird artefacts all over the screen. (680M)

It does work, but its just really glitchy and unstable. Idk how many times Ive woke my pc from sleep and my cursor was just a giant square of gibberish pixels. Or the fact that night light still does not work on GNOME + Wayland because the proprietary driver does not support GAMMA_LUT (this issue has been open for years btw)

There was a pretty big dip a 1 or 2 months ago, so I would just classify this as being margin of error, especially with such small percentages