
I like cats, and they seem to like me too! ;-) A simple man — a nobody, if you will. But I have some beliefs! #Debian #SwayToot-TUI, Cannabis, Retired, Senior, Not a fan of Identity Politics. Socialist, NOT a Liberal. From YYZ #FreePalestine

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Joined 2M ago
Cake day: Apr 19, 2024


Recieved this from one of the developer’s:

Ditto is on Nostr but federates to the Fediverse via

nostr:npub1d03clrrrma7mlpxm0mz2dehmhkx3nh9rhxqwltgctpwyduztymustepzfs, and also implements Mastodon API for app compatibility. , Under the hood, it’s the same as Nostr with some Mastodon-flavored bells and whistles. You own your keys, etc.

Well proton has been accused of being a honeypot as well

Do you have a news source for this allegation?

Are you gonna take the chance now that there are allegations against proton?

AFAIK, Proton hasn’t been implicated in any criminal trial involving the Deep State. Do you have some information that the rest of us don’t, or did this allegation come to you in a dreamstate?

Not that I know of. If your privacy is important, do you take the chance? I wouldn’t, but it’s up to the individual user to decide. 🤷🏻‍♂️

I’d be careful of Tuta. It’s been stated to be a honeypot run by an unnamed western intelligence agency.https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=38263621

Recently there was a criminal trial of a 5 eyes spook in Canada. There it was alleged that Tutanota was a intelligence resource. https://www.computerweekly.com/news/366559333/Encrypted-mail-service-Tuta-says-it-was-wrongly-accused-of-being-a-front-for-intelligence-services