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Joined 6M ago
Cake day: Dec 19, 2023


The epistemic status of that person saying it vs me is not all that different, neither of us have evidence to present


Proton is a government honeypot.

Are you gonna take the chance now that there are allegations against proton?

Yeah, tuta is actually on fdroid (should be the minimum bar for open source software from a company like proton) and has an efficient notification service that doesn’t depend on google services at all

Is there any evidence of them being a honeypot? It sounds like that claim was made by someone under trial who might be trying to take the heat off themselves

I think they’re trustworthy, but not the best in all those categories - I think tuta is better for mail (no dependence on google services), mullvad is better for vpn (linux app actually works with wireguard, and doesn’t have a hard dependence on networkmanager), and keepassxc + syncthing is better for passwords, although to be fair I haven’t tried proton pass

Yep, I switched because I was moving away from the proton ecosystem lol. Their poor google-free android support for mail, and awful linux vpn support (they have a hard dependency on networkmanager, but I don’t use NM, I use iwd) plus no ipv6 pushed me away

Mullvad, it has ipv6 and way better linux support than proton

Oh interesting, well once actual evidence comes out maybe I’ll switch back, but like they mention in the article, the client, which does the encrypting is open source, so if there is a backdoor hopefully it’s found soon

Probably never. Tuta is a better choice for de-googled phones, they don’t depend on google play services for notifications and their notification implimentation uses negligible battery

It depends who you trust more, your isp or your vpn provider. Isps are not known for doing right by their clients

Not sure the details, but just in general, plenty of fucked up stuff is legal and plenty of totally fine things are illegal

Hopefully fossify will release fossify messenger soon. Fossify’s a project forking all the simple apps