Better how?

In every way? No downside to at least having a presence in the fediverse IMO

It doesn’t have the audience.

People who are trying to spread a message might possibly consider that relevant but you know, geek out in the corner with the rest of the “I hate this fact” downvoters 😅

The way it gets an audience is through adoption by some “larger” people, like but not limited to snowden.

Those people start mirroring their twitter on masto, and eventually start mirroring masto on the twitter, then the next time there’s a musk fit they have a place to go ready and can post “due to the actions of this site’s owner, this profile will cease posting. If you wish to continue following me I’ll still be posting on masto.”

People don’t switch now because Ryan Reynolds isn’t on masto yet and what he says is paramount to their survival, once he switches they safely can. (Disclaimer: the use of Ryan Reynolds is purely sardonic, could have used Taylor Swift or whatever hot star of the day you choose.)

He should do both. The message getting to as many people as possible is more important that he posting on Twitter.

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