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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 20, 2023


What are you trying to achieve that wouldn’t be achieved with a VPN and a private browser session?

Easy - just keep pouring money into them, always, forever.

Edit: yes yes but this anecdote where an old car you heard about/own works forever for free

I remember learning in middle school that we’re supposed to define acronyms the first time we use them.

It doesn’t have the audience.

People who are trying to spread a message might possibly consider that relevant but you know, geek out in the corner with the rest of the “I hate this fact” downvoters 😅

The hardware quality, seeing as I already spoke upon the programming and philosophy. Sorry, thought that was clear.

Same reason I don’t like sony. They’re too busy telling the people who buy the fucking products what they’re allowed to do with them, and spend the rest of the time creating proprietary shit that traps their customers.

Hardware is great. Everything else is pretty much an abusive spouse.

If you don’t think the NSA can read standard web encryption, well, that’s just adorable

Yeah, the NSA isn’t already completely integrated into telco itself. It needs these other companies to execute its tasks. You get it.

It seems comedic but I would imagine when one in 50 of your users falls into a certain cohort you start to consider them in your designs.

But it’s perfectly safe you guys. It would take a completely run of the mill virus from literally anywhere to get this data remotely. What are the chances?!