
People say RATM went soft? I know this isn’t the point of your reply but why do people say that?

the post of tom joad

There’s lots of em, some are in the replies you got before mine. The point isn’t whether you believe them, the point of them is to make you not want to listen to RATM. Hell after 9/11 there was a memo put out asking radio stations not to play certain 'anti establishment songs, but only one band was called out specifically for total blackout. Wanna guess which it was?

Their message is powerful, and getting more obviously true every day. I dont give a single fuck about whether they for paid for being a successful band, and neither should anyone with a modicum of understanding in the message they speak.

Regardless, thinking they’re hypocrites isn’t what matters, people are free to think that. The only thing that matters is whether thinking that way stops one from listening to their words, which are true no matter what you think of them. If one decides not to listen don’t because someone said they’re now RWTM, somebody in psyops is happy for their ignorance

Wanna guess which it was?

Reagan Youth?

In U.S., A's for apathy
Not bullshit democracy
Red white and blue is all you see
But does it mean you're really free?

In U.S., A's for anarchy
Not bullshit democracy
I want total liberty
I want peace and anarchy

They tell us how to act and be
Fuck that mental slavery
With standards and authority
How can you think you're really free?
Be proud that you're a white Amerikkkan 
Blonde hair, blue eyes - a fine new aryan 
Supremacy's the white man's burden

A final solution for the new aryans 
Death to the nazis and the ku klux klan!
Anarchy in the fatherland!

Anarchy for the new aryans
No master race is gonna rule this land!

New order?
No order!
New order?
No order!
Disorder now!
Snot Flickerman

Probably the people who paid attention to jackholes like Tom Morello walk around shitting on local businesses because “don’t you know who I am.”


Tom and folks like him are way more concerned with the trappings of being famous than they are with actual workers gaining actual rights as evidenced by shitting on a local business because the business was already at capacity and didn’t make room for his “fame.”

He didn’t even do any research on the business before labelling them anti-worker when what they really were were anti-special-treatment-for-famous-people.

You would think Tom Morello of RATM would be on board.

So yeah, soft.


According to that article, he and the owner of the business patched things up and reached a positive resolution. Continuing to be mad about it 10 years later, particularly when no one involved actually cares, is the most terminally online behaviour. Switch off the phone, go outside and breathe some fresh air.

I’ve never heard soft but I’ve heard hypocritical. Tom morello comes from a wealthy background and went to Harvard, the band censored themselves on tv when asked to do so, they live in gated communities and run elbows with the people who run the machine they are raging against, and they came out and supported Hillary Clinton (who is the definition of the machine). Myself and others aren’t saying they should’ve supported trump (who is also apart of the machine), but they should have called for more grassroots political candidates and supported them.

and they came out and supported Hillary Clinton

With all due respect, what reality do you exist in?

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