Snot Flickerman

Probably the people who paid attention to jackholes like Tom Morello walk around shitting on local businesses because “don’t you know who I am.”

Tom and folks like him are way more concerned with the trappings of being famous than they are with actual workers gaining actual rights as evidenced by shitting on a local business because the business was already at capacity and didn’t make room for his “fame.”

He didn’t even do any research on the business before labelling them anti-worker when what they really were were anti-special-treatment-for-famous-people.

You would think Tom Morello of RATM would be on board.

So yeah, soft.

According to that article, he and the owner of the business patched things up and reached a positive resolution. Continuing to be mad about it 10 years later, particularly when no one involved actually cares, is the most terminally online behaviour. Switch off the phone, go outside and breathe some fresh air.

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