Regarding Cash Payments (DKK)
Danish banks have implemented significant restrictions on how Danish kroner (DKK) used outside Denmark can be repatriated back into Denmark.

Danish banks have implemented significant restrictions on how Danish kroner (DKK) used outside Denmark can be repatriated back into Denmark.

Due to these circumstances, which are unfortunately beyond Mullvad’s control, Mullvad will no longer be able to accept DKK from its customers. We will continue to credit DKK received until the end of the month, but considering postal delays, it is best to stop sending it immediately.

It’s not really that central, every single eurozone country is south of Denmark. Denmark is only at the periphery of the eurozone.


Well, you have Finland in the north-east, Ireland in the north-west, and every land border faces a Euro-zone country. Few other countries can claim the latter.

“Every land border”…There is only one…

Edit: and looking at a map, actually several countries have “every land border” to eurozone countries. Portugal, Spain, Italy, Netherlands, Belgium and Luxembourg all fit that one, several with multiple land borders even. That’s 30% of the eurozone countries.

Spain has land borders with 3 non-EU countries…

Some of those probably have some tiny overseas territory for which that is not true.

overseas territories would probably be island states, so they’re unlikely to have a land border to any country at all. But sure, maybe there is some. But then the Danish/Canadian border would count too, making it untrue for Denmark as well.

Denmark does in fact have a very small land border with Canada - this happened quite recently and is pretty funny. So it’s actually 2! 😄

That true…so it doesn’t even share every land border with the eurozone! 😅

Canada is not a Euro-zone country.

And also, Ireland is south of Denmark.

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