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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Aug 04, 2023


I’m honestly not quite sure, I just know people are getting riled up when it’s mentioned.

To be more helpful than the joke comments you’ve received so far, it’s graphene OS that’s causing a lot of controversy.

Fair enough, then I would probably go with something like the Shelly flood. All their stuff is ridiculously simple to setup and manage, some of it is even able to run without internet and only local WIFI.

If you want to do a little setup and config yourself, look in to home assistant and ZigBee sensors.

Literally the article linked in the OP…

Article 10a, which contains the upload moderation plan, states that these technologies would be expected “to detect, prior to transmission, the dissemination of known child sexual abuse material or of new child sexual abuse material.”

It will detect known images and potential new images…how do you think it will the potential new and unknown images?

The images that are flagged by such scanning, local or server side, will have to be manually verified to avoid false persecution. Someone will have to look at the private images you’ve sent that might get flagged.

These systems have huge margins of error and are incredibly inaccurate, so there will be a significant task in manually verifying everything. And do you trust some government random employee (or just the departments general IT practices or ability to not be hacked) with not leaking your nudes or personal images? I sure as hell don’t.

And even if this is handled perfectly and all government employees are super super honorable standup citizens that never do anything slightly wrong ever…There are still malicious governments that persecute minorities, I doubt they will handle these backdoors in digital privacy very well.

overseas territories would probably be island states, so they’re unlikely to have a land border to any country at all. But sure, maybe there is some. But then the Danish/Canadian border would count too, making it untrue for Denmark as well.

That true…so it doesn’t even share every land border with the eurozone! 😅

“Every land border”…There is only one…

Edit: and looking at a map, actually several countries have “every land border” to eurozone countries. Portugal, Spain, Italy, Netherlands, Belgium and Luxembourg all fit that one, several with multiple land borders even. That’s 30% of the eurozone countries.

It’s not really that central, every single eurozone country is south of Denmark. Denmark is only at the periphery of the eurozone.

Buying a burner sim would bypass this though, shouldn’t be too hard.

I’ve gotten almost all my jobs, and probably a handful of offers, and more messages from recruiters than I can count, through LinkedIn…it’s definitely the easiest way to find and get a job IME. I don’t think I’ve gone “job hunting” since I was fresh out of university looking for my first job.