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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Apr 27, 2023


I don’t agree with that. ActivityPub includes methods of censoring and that is by design, for the purpose of moderation.

obfuscating post history, anonymous posting or assigning a user pseudonym per instance/community

These suggestions sound like a moderation nightmare. This is definitely not desirable.

Nostr seems to make it much more difficult to weed out the bigots as they don’t have a single point of origin (an instance). When you get to the point of making your own instance, it becomes easy to filter out all the users from that instance in one go, if the instance turns into a nazi bar. That is the difference.

The entire purpose of Nostr is about true censorship resistance and speech autonomy. That doesn’t exist with AP. Even if you self host, others can block your instance and no one will think twice about why the server is on the list.

That is by design in AP. If you self host and your instance gets blocked, that’s between you and the other instance. You can still speak all you want, the other instance is just not listening any more. You’ve been excluded from the instance that blocked you because you didn’t follow their rules. So participate in other communities and try to follow their rules and you probably won’t be excluded.

“True censorship resistance” and “speech autonomy” sounds dangerously close to “free speech absolutism” (“freeze peach”).

No one can ban you on Nostr.

Thats exactly the problem with Nostr. You can’t get rid of the bigots. It’s doomed to become a nazi bar.

Also if you don’t like your admin on an ActivityPub instance, you can just go to an instance with admins you trust better or make your own instance.

First of all, it seems too technical for normal people. It requires users to keep their own public/private keys in order. I don’t find this realistic for general users.

Secondly, this kind of “anti-censorship” retoric and features. Yes, of course excessive censorship is bad, especially when done by governments. But a forum moderating users requires censorship and it’s not a problem, it is the solution. I’m not sure I like the idea of relays instead of instances.

Lastly, the whole Nostr community is overrun by crypto-bros, which should tell you enough about the kind of people who are excited about Nostr.

Nostr is an alternative federated protocol. It can be used to make a microblogging application but there’s no reason you couldn’t make a Lemmy clone that uses Nostr instead of ActivityPub. But generally I’m not a fan of the stuff I’ve heard and read about the Nostr protocol so far.

I have a hard time trusting something that advertises itself as “uncensorable”. Good moderation requires censoring (and this is an okay version of censoring, it’s not like your human right to be on a specific fediverse community).

Not being able to censor sounds like an easy way to become the nazi bar. Or in the case of nostr, I guess the blockchain/cryptocurrency bar.

Denmark does in fact have a very small land border with Canada - this happened quite recently and is pretty funny. So it’s actually 2! 😄

Well that’s a bit of a double-sided sword. Libraries also includes lots of failsafes built in that you’ll need to implement yourself then. And you’ll need to be confident that you don’t implement security issues in your own code instead of relying on widely used libraries. But it makes sense if you’re worried about supply chain attacks.

Only two crates used - TOML and Rocket (plus Rust’s standard library)

This seems like a bit of a weird approach. There’s lots of existing nice Rust crates to build with, why use such a minimal approach?

Also Rocket has essentially been superceded by more mature frameworks like Axum.

Great stuff, great initiative by Mozilla to being this to light!