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  • 3 Posts
Joined 8M ago
Cake day: Oct 20, 2023


Ah, right. I forgot that they’re based in Sweden. That’s understandable if it’s simply a lack of familiarity with the language, but, still, I would expect a company like Mullvad to at least have one native-equivalent English speaker to look over their public facing English stuff. None of this is the end of the world, ofc — I’m just mildly surprised.

There are a surprising number of grammatical errors in that blog post. Did anyone proof read it, I wonder?

Nearly 90% of their servers are blocked to do common internet tasks .

Perhaps your browsing habits are severely impacted by Mullvad being blocked, but that doesn’t seem to be the universal case. I’ve had the occasional hiccup with a few sites that block VPNs (Mullvad’s IPs), but “90%” is quite an exaggeration when compared to my personal experience.

Cross-posted from: --- > We have previously highlighted the importance of not losing your account number, encouraging it to be written down in a password manager or similar safe location. > > For the sake of convenience account numbers have been visible when users logged into our website. This had led to there being potential concerns where a malicious observer could: > > - Use up all of a user's connections > - Delete a user's devices > > From the 3rd June 2024 you will no longer be able to see your account number after logging into our website. --- - "Hiding account numbers". Mullvad. 2024-05-27. Mullvad Blog ( - [Archive](

>Danish banks have implemented significant restrictions on how Danish kroner (DKK) used outside Denmark can be repatriated back into Denmark. > > Due to these circumstances, which are unfortunately beyond Mullvad’s control, Mullvad will no longer be able to accept DKK from its customers. We will continue to credit DKK received until the end of the month, but considering postal delays, it is best to stop sending it immediately. - [Source]( - [Archive](

For annotating PDFs:

For arranging PDFs:

That’s a rather self-centered statement, imo. Just because you may not be bothered by the idea, does not mean that it does not have merit for others. That line of thinking is in a similar vein to saying “We don’t need freedom of speech because I have nothing to say.”.

It’s all about reducing the surface area for an attack — if you do become compromised, it’s one less thing to have to worry aobut. It would be preferable to not have to worry about your data and someone bribing you with some video footage.

Is it unnecessary to cover one’s webcam on Linux?
Cross-posted to: --- From other conversations that I've read through, people usually say "[Yes, because it's easy on Windows](", or "[Yes, because they simply don't trust the webcam](". But neither of these arguments are enough for me. The former I feel is irrelevent when one is talking about Linux, and the latter is just doing something for the sake of doing it which is not exactly a rational argument. Specifically for Linux (although, I suppose this partially also depends on the distro, and, of course, vulnerabilites in whatever software that you might be using), how vulnerable is the device to having its webcam exploited? If you trust the software that you have running on your computer, and you utilize firewalls (application layer, network layer, etc.), you should be resistant to such types of exploits, no? A parallel question would also be: How vulnerable is a Linux device if you *don't* take extra precautions like firewalls. If this is the case, what makes Windows so much more vulnerable?