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Joined 6M ago
Cake day: Dec 18, 2023


My dude, IKEA has an in-house AI model. Every insurance company has one. Subway (the sandwich shop) has one.

Saying that the NSA “supposedly” has an AI model that can search through data is like saying they “maybe” have a coffee machine.

Yeah, modern arm CPUs can run at 3GHz and play PS4 level games, but I don’t want my phone to become a handwarmer every time I want to typefvvn a quick email…

And of course, I’m not talking about correcting “fuck” to “duck”, I’m talking about ChatGPT level prediction. Or llama2, or gemini nano, or whatever…

It can and it will. That is one of the uses of “NPUs” I’m most excited about.

Basically you can run an (potentially open-source) small LLM on the phone using whatever context the keyboard has access to (at a minumim, what you’ve typed so far) and have the keyboard generate the next token(s).

Since this is comptationally intensive the model has to be small and you need dedicated hardware to optimize it, otherwise you would need a 500W GPU like the big players. You can do it for 0.5W locally. Of course, adjust your expectations accordingly.

I don’t know any project doing it right now, but I imagine that Microsoft will integrate in SwiftKey soon, with open source projects to follow.