As I speculated previously when Steam Deck OS 3.4.9 went into Preview, Valve has now released it as a Stable update for all Steam Deck owners for Starfield.

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[ Everyone Disliked That ]

The irony of calling someone whiny while whining.

Agree, There are better linux gaming websites.

well, could you please share your links then?

Where are their communities ?

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I don’t get the hate. The articles are always simple and informative, and just written by some dude. It’s not like he’s some garbage repetitive content farm, but you don’t need “hard hitting” news to be useful or interesting. Chill dude

Just link to the original source and not a sloppy rehash that can’t even get the name of SteamOS right.

Why do you choose to be so hateful? The man is doing good work for the linux gaming community. If you don’t enjoy his content, don’t watch it but let others have their fun

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