random bald, fat, middle-aged Brazillian guy

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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 15, 2023


Why would steam allow games on their store that don’t work without another third party account or store?

money, of course

Maybe, that seems reasonable. But it begs the question, are Nintendo lawyers reasonable too?

I wonder how much time this tool has until Nintendo’s lawyers come knocking on the dev’s doors

but with c++ they’ll learn programming faster simply

I strongly disagree with this. I’ve learn to program with C (pure C), and I lost so much time with that language’s cruft and idiosyncrasies. Python is a much better tool to teach programming concepts.

As a first time Linux user pretty much what should I use for gaming.

why would anyone recommend arch to a newbie is anyone’s guess

Kernel needs to be patched first, then wine. This isn’t available to most of us yet

seat belts and air bags are an illusion sold to make us believe that we solved the problem as best we can, even though we didn’t

As someone who has been in a few accidents (both as driver and as passenger), seatbelts saves lives. I wouldn’t be here typing this if they didn’t.

If I recall correctly this was announced years ago, I remember that it was one of the reasons that made me stop playing. That and the constant aggravation at the breakage that happened whenever they updated their client.

“Please pay this monthly access fee to maintain access to your account.”

that’s the day you download all your game catalog to disk and cancel your account, of course

continua forte no linux aí mano, vale a pena insistir :)

looks cool, but it’s still early access… maybe I’ll buy it when it launches “for real”

that’s supposedly the only way to run it legit

friends don’t grow on trees or sprout from the ground, it’s not that simple

One thing you cannot deny is that Valve is one of few companies that loves gaming on Linux

Valve is a corporation, what they really “love” is money. All their Linux strategy is simply future-proofing. They know that if gaming kept being restricted to Windows, they could have been destroyed overnight by Microsoft, especially since MS start betting hard on gaming and built their own Steam competitor.

and it deserves a huge credit.

Well, they certainly do. I, for one, am grateful, since I’ve been using Linux for over 20 years. But I know they’re in for the money, and that’s ok.

I’ve tried to install garuda last night, it didn’t go so well. It’s ironic that a debian ISO (bookworm) booted alright but the fancy arch-based garuda didn’t… Downloaded the MATE edition, put it on a USB stick, booted the machine aaaaand… no GUI with the nouveau driver, black screen/reboot with the proprietary driver. Nouveau couldn’t get my GPU to work, it’s an RTX 4600. After an hour or so of fiddling with elinks and duckduckgo I gave up, guess that I should wait for a ISO with the new nvidia 535 driver.