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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 12, 2023


I’ve not got an nvidia card in this computer, but the easiest and fastest distro setup I’ve ever had was with Nobara.

Which is a game focused linux distro created by Glorious Eggroll, the guy that does the custom proton versions.

You sound an awful lot like an abused spouse

“Oh sure, All those other times were bad, but she swore she wont hit me this time… and she means it this time, honest!”

Anyone that actually puts their trust in this deserves whatever happens to them

I mean, the steamdeck is running on an APU, so its not going to run 2023 games like butter at high settings.

But on a home PC, with better (and dedicated) hardware, the game runs pretty good.

I’ve got Starfield on ultra settings and, so far… outside of New Atlantis, my FPS has stayed maxed at vsync, and even in New Atlantis, its still very playable.

Says the one person circle jerk show.

Stop, you are hurting DarkThoughts with your logic and common sense. Cant you see how delicate he is?

Yeah. Who thought posting something relevant from a website dedicated to gaming on linux would have any place in a god damn Linux gaming community!

It’ll run even better in 2 years when I buy it for 5 dollars on sale.

I have only used it to download older games, so I have no idea how it handles updates.

You can log into GOG through Lutris too, and install and launch games through that.

especially the newer ones that look like trying to see nipples on scrambled cable in the 90s.

My eyes are already shit that I can barely make out the normal images, how the fuck do you expect me to make out this god damn LSD fever dream shit?

I dont have facebook, and I explicitly tell family not to put my pictures on their facebook pages or mention me at all.

I’m still 100% convinced facebook has my biometric data, my home address, and what I ate for dinner last week.

The amount of data they collect is insane, and intrusive.

Every time it comes up, i’m reminded of a sex worker who was doxed by facebook because she in a parking lot that a former client was in, and it had used proximity data and shit to link her Sex Work Phone/Facebook Account, to her real Phone/Facebook account, which was then given to the client as a suggested contact.

I appreciate the breakdown, but I meant i was ignorant on why port forwarding was important for a VPN :) Was still a great write up that should be used as reference for others! :D

I didnt realize you still had to port forward to get around ISP traffick shaping/blockage with a VPN. Thought the encrypted tunnel between you and the VPN disguised that, and any port stuff was done at their end, after exiting the tunnel.

Whats so important about port forwarding on a VPN? Genuinely ignorant here.

“I’m just gonna ignore the fact that I can opt out with a single click, and continue to be a dick about it, because admitting I’m wrong is not something I am willing to ever consider”


Crypto has garnered that reputation, because thats all it is. Since its inception. Its never been anything but… Anyone who thinks otherwise were just people who fell for the scam.

Its nothing but a MLM for idiot techies who think they are smart, but would totally pick up a USB drive in the parking lot and plug it into a critical system to find out whats on it.


Crypto is nothing but a scam that the lowest common denominators are constantly fooled into thinking its their get rich quick method, only to be shocked when they lose all their money.

Anyone involved in crypto is a scam.

anyone pushing crypto is either a scammer or a brainless moron.

Any company or group sneakily putting crypto in their shit deserves to be burned to the ground, metaphorically speaking, and the ashes pissed in .

Do you like your cops freshly washed, or do you like that end of shift musk, for when you’re sucking that cop dick?

This poor fool thinks the cops give a fuck what you say or what proof you have.

and the cop isnt going to give a shit to listen to you, because hes still gonna take it, and you have to expend time and money going to court to prove the money is innocent.

and even then you might not get it back

theres been plenty of people who ahd proof how they got their money legitimately, and still had it taken.


because police want to buy more military gear, and your seized cash goes directly into their toy fund.

I cant fault you for that. Troubleshooting sucks.

But if you change your mind, at least theres no real manual stuff to do but add the repository and run the update command.

as for the website, i just checked and its working for me, so I dont know why its not working for you short of some kind of internet issue affecting traffic between that sites server and your area.


Whats that steam command your running? i cant find anything about it.

been on linux for years and i still feel like I only just installed it yesterday.

I have the oibaf ppa added to my repositories so i get the bleeding edge mesa though.

check this out if you want the most up to date or bleeding edge https://itsfoss.com/install-mesa-ubuntu/

How did you get raytracing running?

I got a 6700xt but the raytracing options blocked out for me.

Not just the almighty dollar.

Some people just pursue a perceived challenge with zero care for the terrible consequences of it.

either way, they need to be stopped

I’ve never used MO2, but with Vortex its a pain in the dick. Gotta manually download the games yourself, individually, then drag them into vortex to install them, or just dump them in the game directory appropriately if you don’t care about being able to reverse it without a reinstall.

Probably only focusing on one distro to have a set of packages and their versions to aim at. Any distro that has the same package versions will probably work.

This is basically what steam did with its linux support with Ubuntu, until they switched distro bases with steamdeck OS.

Hell, a quick glance on steam still shows Ubuntu as the supported OS under most games that have linux versions.