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Cake day: Jun 12, 2023


This will be the next shit storm when Lemmy.world doesn’t defederate with Threads and people get surprised. :)

I wonder if those people use a mail provider that does not block GMail.

Maybe it‘s a legalese explanation of a problematic aspect of the fediverse though.

The literal foundation of federation is “a problematic aspect of the fediverse”?

Just link to the original source and not a sloppy rehash that can’t even get the name of SteamOS right.

Someone posting content doesn’t necessarily have any idea where that content will be consumed.

If someone like OP posts directly to linux_gaming @ lemmy.ml he/she posts to Lemmy and better accept its conventions and not add fucking hashtags there.

@woelkchen That’s kinda the whole point of the Fediverse…

The point is not to spam one platform with conventions of another, though. Hashtags and markdown have no place in Lemmy headlines. Being able to follow Lemmy content from Mastodon is great but when posting to Lemmy from Mastodon means that Mastodon users should adhere to Lemmy conventions and not force their crap hashtags onto Lemmy.

That said, yep, definitely needs to be some tweaking in how Lemmy handles content from other protocols.

The hashtags were put there by OP, not the Lemmy software. I don’t know who put the markdown link there. My guess is was Mastodon and Lemmy merely accepts the crap Mastodon generates.

It’s the bullshit that happens when people post to Lemmy from Mastodon. Should be banned IMO

I wish we could live in a world where we could improve things freely…

Same here but sadly we don’t and overly ambitious Sony lawyers could get the guy in serious trouble. That’s why confessing to working on illegally leaked code is such a dumb idea.

When it’s a complete rewrite anyway, just don’t admit to use an illegal source code leak. I don’t get why anybody would do that so openly. Just lie about it and claim it’s a clean room implementation. That way if anyone ever were to prosecute this, they would first have to provide evidence that it’s not clean room…