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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 22, 2023


That’s so cool. I love that.Thanks EA ☺️ This will definitely make the game not a boring mess. You should do same with all your games. Even Sims 4. Cripple Linux compatibility and kill my performance so that we can stop those evil pirates.

/s in case it’s not obvious

In my opinion, relying on upgrading users automagically to an encrypted and secure protocol isn’t good practice. If someone wants to use an encrypted chat, they should do so consciously. It will only cause confusion otherwise.

Do people still use SMS these days though anyway?

I would have thought iMessage, RCS and separate chat apps like Whatsapp, Signal and WeChat would have largely replaced SMS by now.

Wasn’t that compatibility based on SMS which is inherently insecure?

Yeah let’s use End to end encrypted, open source messaging apps like Signal please.

This new Google thing probably applies to their own proprietary messaging apps like Android messages, Hangouts and Gmail. Tbh, I’m more surprised they weren’t already doing this. Fuck SMS, fuck RCS. E2EE private FOSS messaging standards for me please.

I’m.irish and this is the first I’m hearing about this.

I’m doubtful such a thing would be a priority for this government since they are very unpopular given the housing crisis and cost of living increase. They will do everything to scrape votes ahead of the next election.

Protonmail with Tutanota as a backup.

My college email is Google though. So I have to use that if I want to make an appointment with someone from the college or if I need to message a lecturer. Gmail is Fine*, the app is functional etc. But I don’t like Google as a company. Their reach and management give me pause. Would rather they get broken up and invest more in FOSS. But I’m doubtful I’ll see that any time soon.

This is amazing. Great to have more alternatives to Google’s crap