I’ve heard of things like iPostal and Traveling Mailbox. Do these services allow you to register with bank, DMV, IRS, Voting, etc? How do they work? Would a normal P.O box using its physical address from USPS work? I’ve tried researching it and haven’t gotten clear answers.

I don’t want to show up on those whitepages sites with all my information on them. I want to stop it from the start.

If you’re this concerned, why are you using a bank at all? You strike me as a cash under the mattress type.


Dude I just don’t want my name, phone number, and address all over the public web. Why am I getting so much hate for this?

I think this question generates so much hate because it makes the privacy-concerned audience realize there is actually little hope for privacy in our society in its current state.

That’s entirely reasonable and I totally agree with you, however banks are pretty tightly regulated and can’t give away or sell customer information. Much higher likelihood it’s an app on your phone that’s been harvesting your data to a broker, or your data was aggragated from a breach and sold.

Because not giving the bank your contact information will accomplish exactly nothing to that affect, and it makes you sound delusional and paranoid.


It won’t be, at worst it will be passed around a bunch of marketing companies sending you a bunch of pointless junk mail. And that’s really only if you go to a shitty bank.

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